Urban Blitz Blessington


Over 500 children took part in a Fun Go Game Urban Blitz that took place in Blessington last week. Children from Gaelscoil na Lochanna, Blessington No 1,Blessington Educate Together and St Marys National schools had classes from their schools attend the blitz on the day. The day kicked off at 9.30am with all first classes from the schools taking part in 7 a side games on 8 pitches. Second class games began at10.45am with games on 6 pitches with 9 players on each team. Next up was the turn of the 3rd and 4th classes at 12.15pm with 8 pitches in operation again. Finally the day concluded with all the 5th classes taking part in 11 a side games on 4 pitches. The aim of the blitz was fun, participation and giving all children in the schools a opportunity to play GAA in their local grounds. All players had great fun on the day playing games and each child was given the training times of all teams in Blessington GAA Club. Many thanks to all teachers and parents who attended on the day and to the Blessington GAA club for the use of their pitches. A special mention of thanks also to all the young whistlers from the club who refereed all matches on the day.

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