Cumann na mBuncol Cill Mhantáin Events
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills Competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 24th. · North/East Skills Competition - Tuesday...
There was a super turnout at the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November. Schools travelled from every corner of Wicklow to show their knowledge on all things GAA. There were 8 rounds in total...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November at 7.30pm. For information on the Tráth na gCeist please contact Billy...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November @7.30pm. Any school that is interested in attending should contact...
We would like to thank all those who attended our AGM in Laragh on the 11th September. We had a good spread of teachers from across the county and we greatly value their input and time. The promotion of Gaelic games and culture can only thrive in...
Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year will soon begin with our annual AGM and Registration. Please see main details below:Venue: Lynhams Hotel, LaraghDate: Wednesday September 11th @4pm.Fee: €50 Registration fee.Refreshments: Tea and...
Eoghan Fitzgerald had a fantastic day representing his school St Marys SNS, and his GAA club Blessington in the GAA/INTO Cumann na mBunscol Go Games match at half time during the All-Ireland Football final between Armagh and Galway. Eoghan...
Laci was extremely proud to represent her school St. Patricks National School, Bearna Chle and her Camogie Club Annacurra at the Hurling All Ireland in Croke Park partaking in the GAA/INTO Cumann na mBunscol Exhibition Go Games. It was a dream to...
The 12th June saw schools from all over Wicklow descend on Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park in Greystones set and ready to race! The day began with a parade around the track with each school displaying their banner, wearing their school’s...
U8 50m Boys 1st Lycon Power - Greystones Community National School 2nd Max Kelly Trogen - Kilcoole Primary School 3rd Luke Wade - St Laurence's National School, GreystonesU8 80m Boys 1st...
What: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 12th June at 10 a.m. sharp. · Age limits = Competitors must be under 8, 9, etc. on January 1st 2024·...
What: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 12th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Sports Day MeetingThe Sports Day meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th May ...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills Challenge County Final took place in Ballinakill on 17th April. The winners were as follows:Boys Football: Eoghan Fitzgerald (St. Mary’s SNS, Blessington)Girls Football: Niamh Ní Churáin (Gaelscoil Uí...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues on the week schools returned after the Easter break. On the 9th April the North East qualifiers were held in Bray Emmets. Those who qualified in Bray included:...
Final call! Please fill out the form below:A chairde, Skills Test Enrollment Form (now online only!) *Please fill out the google form* Test CnmB - 2024Event venues and dates: North/East...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 8th. · North/East Skills Competition - Tuesday April 9th in Bray...
Indoor Hurling Blitz for 3rd and 4th will take place on Thursday, 18th of January.Indoor Camogie Blitz for 3rd and 4th will take place on Thursday, 25th of January.Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 1Thursday 29th February ...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 9th of November @7.30pm. Any school that is interested in attending should contact Billy...
What an unbelievable experience I had in Croke Park. I met some great people and the atmosphere was amazing. The pitch was fantastic to play on, so smooth. I have got the potential and mindset to play there in years to come. Thanks to all that made...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June. There was great excitement in the lead up to this event as it had not taken place since 2019. Schools...
Sports Day 2023 - Information and RegistrationWhat: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Sports Day MeetingThe Sports Day meeting will...
Sports Day 2023 - Information and RegistrationWhat: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp.Sports Day MeetingThe Sports Day meeting will take...
Credit Union Cup (Hurling) 18th May at 11.45 a.m. (Venue to be confirmed). One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz. Competitive based games.Allianz Camogie Day ...
The County Skills Challenge Final was held on Friday 24th March in Ballinakill. The top performing pupils will have the opportunity to represent their school and county during the half-time of selected All Ireland Series...
Congratulations to those who qualified in the North/East, South and West Skills Tests. Thanks to the Wicklow GDAs for running the tests and for all their organisation.North/East Regional WinnersBoys Football- Kevin McCart, Ravenswell- Sean...
Due to the bad weather forecast for March 15th we have taken the decision to reschedule the Skills competition. Please see the new details below: Event venues and dates: Wed 22nd March in Ballinakill (South qualifiers) Fri 24th March...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 13th.North/East Skills Competition - Monday 13th March in Bray Emmets.West Skills Competition – Tuesday 14th ...
Bhí an gabhar a rosta i Lynhams oíche Déardaoin seo caite. Bhí craic agus ceisteanna againn ar an oíche. Over one hundred and twenty pupils from all over the county made the trip to Laragh for the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Tráth na gCeist for the...
It’s time to get those thinking caps on again as the annual Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCéist is coming up. It will take place on Thursday 10th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynham’s Hotel in Laragh. Any school that is interested in...
Ciara Fagan, Cathaoirleach, opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance and stating how good it was to be back planning for a full year’s activity for primary school Gaelic games in the Garden County. All schools have been sent a...
This will take place on the 14th September at 4 p.m. in Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa, Laragh where schools can register for North-East, South and West Allianz Cumann na mBunscol activities. The cost for the 2022-2023 school year is €50. Schools...
Is mise Conor Eglington. Táim i rang a cúig i Scoil Chualann Bré, an scoil is fearr ar domhain. Is breá liom a bheith ag imirt iománaíocht.When my teachers told us that there was a competition and a chance to play in Croke Park I was so excited...
Just a reminder that there is no Sports Day happening this year due to scheduling issues caused by covid and a lack of availability of substitute cover for organising teachers. This year priority was given to 5th and 6th class...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow County Skills Final took place in the Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill on Wednesday April 27th. The skills on show were of a high standard and all participants performed to the best of...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues this week. The North/East Skills Competition was held on Tuesday April 5th in Bray Emmets, the West Skills Competition was on...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 4th. · North/East Skills Competition - Tuesday April 5th in Bray Emmets.·...
Sinéad Ní Chreán Loinsigh, Cathaoirleach, opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance and acknowledging how good it was to be back planning for primary school Gaelic games. She thanked those involved in facilitating Cumann na mBunscol...
(Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling.)Please note if a child has already played in Croke Park they cannot take part in the skills competition. Participants must be born on or...
On the 7th of November, our school took part in the Tráth na gCeist table quiz in Lynham’s Hotel in Laragh. There were twenty-three teams from 11 schools competing. In the quiz, there were eight rounds of ten questions. On the night, there...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist took place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November. It was a great night with a good turnout of schools. In 1st place came St. Laurence O’Toole, Roundwood; in 2nd...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November @7.30pm. Any school that is interested in attending should...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow held their annual AGM in Lynhams of Laragh on Thursday 12th September. This was an all-county AGM and registration evening, many thanks to the schools in attendance and to those who sent their apologies.Sinead Ní...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year began with our annual AGM and Registration on Thursday September 12th in Lynhams of Laragh. Thanks to all who attended and those who sent their registration in the post (Full report on AGM to...
The Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports day finally went ahead on a sunny day in Charlesland on Wednesday June 19th. It had been cancelled the week previously due to the torrential rain much to everyone’s disappointment, however it was...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day has now been re-scheduled for Wednesday 19th June in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones at 10 a.m. sharp. All schools have been emailed guidelines in relation to...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 12th June at 10 a.m. sharp. All schools have been emailed guidelines in relation to Sports Day. ...
The County Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skill Tests took place on April 3rd in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. The top performing pupils in the County Skills tests now have the opportunity to represent their school and...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues this week. Well done to all the participants who did a fine job representing their schools and should be very proud of this achievement. The...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 25th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 25th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
Wicklow's Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist took place on Thursday 15th November in Lynhams of Laragh. Quizmaster Billy Cuddihy did a fine job on the night of testing everyone’s knowledge. There were...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 12th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 15th November at 7.30 p....
Tráth na gCeist- Thursday November 15th, Lynhams of Laragh, 7.30pmIt would be fantastic to see a greater turnout at this year's Tráth na gCeist, it is a fun and enjoyable evening where we get the opportunity to challenge our children to think...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin held their annual AGM in Lynhams of Laragh on Thursday 6th September. This was an all-county AGM and registration evening. We wish to thank the schools in attendance and to those who sent their...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year will begin with our annual AGM and Registration on Thursday September 6th in Lynhams of Laragh at 5pm. Tea and sandwiches will be served afterwards. This will be an ALL COUNTY AGM AND...
Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 12th September - Day 1 at 11.45 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit. Points only no...
Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 12th September - Day 1 at 11.45 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit. Points only no...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 13thJune. There was a great turnout and schools represented were Bray School Project, Gaelscoil na Lochanna, Baile...
Sports Day This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 13thJune at 10 a.m. sharp. There are strict age limits for Sports Day. Sports Day...
Next Week is the turn of the 3rd and 4th Class Boy FootballersThursday 7th June at 11.45 a.m. in Bray – One day boys’ nine-a-side football blitz. Sports Day Meeting and Online Registration This year’s Sports Day meeting will take place...
Sports Day Meeting and Online Registration This year’s Sports Day meeting will take place on 7th June at 8.00 p.m. in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School. It is imperative that any school participating in Sports Day 2018 is represented...
Sports Day Meeting and Online Registration This year’s Sports Day meeting will take place on 7th June at 8.00 p.m. in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School. It is imperative that any school participating in Sports Day 2018 is represented...
The top pupils in each code, from each area, were invited to compete in the County Skill Tests in the Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill on Thursday 19th April. There were wonderful skills on show and every participant should be...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues this week. Pupils represented their schools impeccably and should be proud for reaching the regional Skills competition, well done! The top...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling.)Please note if a child has already played in Croke Park they cannot take...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling.)Please note if a child has already played in Croke Park they cannot take...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 9th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 9th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
On behalf of Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol we would like to thank all the schools, children, teachers and parents who took part in another thoroughably enjoyable night in Lynhams of Laragh on the 16th November. Thanks also to the staff of...
Wicklow's Allianz Cumann na mBunscol invite all schools to participate in this years Tráth na gCeist. It will take place on Thursday the 16th of November @7.30 pm in Lynhams of Laragh. Schools can enter by contacting Billy Cuddihy by email (...
Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 16th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh
The AGM of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin took place in the Parkview Hotel, Newtown on October 5th. In attendance was Ronan Keddy, Billy Cuddihy, Jill and Craig Aston, Dominic Leech (Ladies GAA), Claire Frawley, Garrett Doyle...
Welcome back to the start of another school year. Let’s hope it’s a happy, healthy and successful one. North East Fixtures List 2017-2018Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 ...
Welcome back to the start of another school year. Let’s hope it’s a happy, healthy and successful one. North East Fixtures List 2017-2018Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 ...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June. There was a fantastic turnout and schools represented were Gaelscoil na Clocha Liatha...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp, beginning with the parade. Please remember that those taking part in the...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take...
Congratulations to those who qualified for the INTO Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Skills competition and will play during half time in the All-Ireland series in Croke Park in the summer. Girls Football: Aobha Harmon, Rathcoyle NS...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO County Skills Finals took place on Monday 3rd April in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. The top performing pupils in the County Skills tests will have the...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO Skills competition took place in regional venues on the week of the 27th March. In the North East we were lucky to get some inspirational words from newly...
Well done to all who participated in today's Skills Challenge. Report to follow....Photos
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week of the 27th March. Children who have qualified from the Skill Tests to represent Wicklow in Croke...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week of the 27th March. Children who have qualified from the Skill Tests to represent Wicklow...
Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 11st/2nd March Bray Emmets Eleven-a-side and no age limit at 11.45 a.m. (Teams will be graded on this day.)Girls’ Wicklow Times Shield...
Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 11st/2nd March Bray Emmets Eleven-a-side and no age limit at 11.45 a.m. (Teams will be graded on this day.)Girls’ Wicklow Times Shield...
Well done to all who participated in a great night in Laragh in the annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist. In 1st place was Rathcoyle, in 2nd Talbotstown and in 3rd place Scoil Chualann. Comhghairdeas!Photos
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday November 17th at 7.30pm in Lynhams of Laragh. If your school is interested in taking part please contact as soon as...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 14th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 14th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin AGM took place on 6th October in the Parkview Hotel, Newtown. Jim O’Riordan, Cathaoirleach welcomed everyone to the meeting.In attendance were Sinéad Ní Chréan Loinsigh (Scoil Chualann), Míchéal Ó...
6th October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p.m. All welcome!
U8 50m Boys 1st Luke O' Donovan - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford 2nd Ben Kenny - Kilcoole Primary School 3rd Shane Hamilton - St Laurence's National School, RoundwoodU8 50m Girls1st...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol sports day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 8th June. There was a fantastic turnout and schools represented were Delgany, Gaelscoil na Clocha...
Just a few reminders regarding the forthcoming sports day in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park on Wednesday 8th June:The parade will begin at 10am sharp!! Be sure to have your school banner on show and the children marching...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 2nd June at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due to the large...
Sports Day Information and RegistrationThis year’s Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 8th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a...
Boys’ Allianz Football League Days6th/7th April Bray Emmets Eleven-a-side and no age limit at 12.00. (Teams will have been put into divisions on Coughlan...
County selection day was held on Monday 14th March in Bray Emmets. Well done to all the participants who did so well to reach the finals. Congratulations to those who qualified to represent the county in Croke Park in the summer. ...
County selection day will be held on Monday 14th March in BRAY EMMETS (Was fixed for Ballinakill but pitches not in a good state). On county selection day the boys and girls football will be held at 11 o’clock and hurling/camogie at 12 o...
Hurling1st James French Glenealy NS2nd Adam Byrne Rathcoyle NS3rd Kyle Byrne Rathdrum BNS4th Kevin Conway Rathdrum NSCamogie1st Sophie Bermingham Rathcoyle NS2nd Roisin Byrne Rathcoyle NS3rd Thea Cullen Our Lady's Rathdrum NS4th Molly Mooney...
The North-East regional Skills Challenge took place in Bray Emmets on a cold Spring day. Schools sent representatives in all codes – boys’ and girls’ football, hurling and camogie. These boys and girls were selected as the most...
(Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling, the three skills will be the same as previous years) ...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Trath na gCeist took place on Thursday evening last in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh and was a fantastic success. This was made possible by the support of the schools, the huge amount of parents who provided both lifts and...
Hurling: Week of 16th November in regional centres. Camogie: Week of 23rd November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in DecemberYoung WhistlersAs part of a new initiative, Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin have decided...
The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will be held on Thursday 19th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh so get those thinking caps on!
In attendance: Jim O’Riordán, Pamela McDermott, Dave Barry, Michéal Ó Murchú, Ciarán Byrne, Sinead Ní Chrean Loinsigh, Emer Fahy, Claire Frawley, Garrett Doyle, Dominic Leech, Billy Cuddihy, Ronan Keddy, David McDonnell, Conall O Frighil,...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin AGM will take place next Thursday 8th October in the Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5pm. It would be great to see representatives from as many schools as possible in attendance. This...
Wicklow Times Shield Day 17th October (Day 1 - general blitz day) at 12.00 p.m. in Bray GAA grounds – Girls’ football blitz, nine-a-side and no age limit, points onlyAGM 8th October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p...
Boys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 16th September - Day 1at 12.00 p.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limitAllianz Camogie League Day 23rd September at 12.00...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol sports day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 3rd June. There was a fantastic turnout and schools represented were Delgany, Gaelscoil na Clocha Liath,...
This year’s Cumann na mBunscol sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 3rd June at 10 a.m. sharp.**EACH SCHOOL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPERVISION AND SAFETY OF THEIR OWN PARTICIPANTS...
This year’s Cumann na mBunscol sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 3rd June at 10 a.m. sharp.Sports Day Rules**EACH SCHOOL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUPERVISION AND SAFETY OF THEIR OWN...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtown Primary School on Thursday 28th May at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Participants’ numbers will...
This year’s Cumann na mBunscol sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 3th June at 10 a.m. sharp.Sports Day Meeting and Online RegistrationThe entry fee of €50 must be returned at...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills County Finals were held in Ballinakill on Wednesday the 22nd April. The winners were as follows – Boys Football: Mikey O’Rourke (Dunlavin), Jack Kirwan (...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills competition took place in the regional venues on Wednesday April 15th.In the North/East there were representatives from Newtown, Kilcoole, St. Ernan’s Rathnew, St. Kevin’s...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills competition will take place in different venues after Easter.The West Skill Tests are scheduled for April 15th in Hollywood.The North East Skill Tests are scheduled...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills competition will take place in different venues after Easter.The West Skill Tests are scheduled for April 15th in Hollywood.The North East Skill Tests are scheduled for...
Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling. Regional events will take place on 15th April and those selected will go forward to a county selection day which will be held on 22nd April in...
The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist took place on Thursday 20th November in Lynhams, Laragh. The quiz was based on G.A.A general knowledge, questions on Wicklow, news round etc. Sean Stakelum did a fine job of both organising the quiz and being the...
Indoor HurlingWeek of 17th November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in December Allianz Tráth na gCeist The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday 20th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh. Please note...
The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday 20th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh. Please note change of venue. Please email Sean Stakelum at if you wish to enter a team. He can also be...
Wicklow Times Shield Day 25th November (Day 2 - teams graded in divisions based on Day 1 for another blitz day with winners awarded in each division. These divisions will determine girls leagues later in the year)at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds –...
The AGM of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantain was held in the Parkview Hotel, Newtown on Thursday 2nd October.In attendance: Jim O’Riordán, Pamela McDermott, Dave Barry, Michéal Ó Murchú, Ciarán O’Neill, Sinead Ní Chrean Loinsigh, Emer Fahy,...
AGM 2nd October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p.m.All welcome!
AGM 2nd October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p.m.
Welcome back!Here are the fixtures for the coming school year 2014-2015. Fixtures List 2014-2015Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 17th September (Division 1) - Day 118th September (Division 2) – Day...
Welcome back!Here are the fixtures for the coming school year 2014-2015. Fixtures List 2014-2015Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 17th September (Division 1) - Day 118th September (Division 2) – Day...
Welcome back!Here are the fixtures for the coming school year 2014-2015. Fixtures List 2014-2015Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 17th September (Division 1) - Day 118th September (Division 2) – Day...
Super Sports Day The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 4th June. An excellent day was had by all and thankfully it stayed dry for the duration...
This year’s sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 4th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Please all schools be in place in time for the parade.Sports Day Rules**EACH SCHOOL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE...
Sports Day Meeting and Online RegistrationThe entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 29th May at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 29th May at 8 p.m.This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due to the large number of schools taking part...
Girls’ Allianz Football LeagueThis will take place on the 6th May at 11 in Roundwood. This is a 9 a-side blitz and teams will have been put into divisions on Wicklow Times Shield Day. However if you didn’t attend that day you are still...
The top 2 pupils in each code were invited to compete in the County Primary Schools Skill Tests on Wednesday 9th April in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill, Rathdrum Co Wicklow.The participants were as follows Boys Football...
The top 2 pupils in each code are invited to compete in the County Primary Schools Skill Tests scheduled for Wednesday 9th April at 11.00 in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill, Rathdrum Co Wicklow. The top performing pupils in the...
The regional skills challenges took place this week. The football skills included soloing with left/right foot, fist passing with left/right hand and the hook kick with left/right foot. The hurling/camogie skills included soloing, ground...
Regional skills challenges will take place on Wednesday 2nd April. The football skills include soloing with left/right foot, fist passing with left/right hand and the hook kick with left/right foot. The hurling/camogie skills include...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
Boys’ Allianz Football League Days 5th March Venue: Bray Emmets (Day 1) 12th March...
Welcome back to another school term! We’ve a busy schedule as usual filled with gaelic games for 2014. 3rd / 4th Class Indoor Indoor football tournament for boys in rang a trí agus rang a ceathair (The...
The annual Allianz tráth na gCeist was held on Thursday 21st November in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh. There was a much better turnout than previous years with fifteen teams in total taking part. Schools that were represented were...
The annual tráth na gCeist will be held on Thursday 21st November at 7.30 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. Schools can enter a team by emailing Sean Stakelum or by texting him at 0863242599. There is no entry fee but...
Events in NovemberAllianz Coughlan Competition ...
The Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol AGM took place on Thursday the 3rd October in Lynhams Hotel, Laragh. The meeting began with a welcome from the Chairman, Jim O’Riordán to all attending – including Peter Keogh, Hugh Kenny and...
The Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol AGM will take place on Thursday the 3rd October in Lynhams Hotel, Laragh at 5.00 p.m. In light of the fact that many schools were represented at the recent Garden County Flag presentations we...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 18th September (Division 1) - Day 119th September (Division 2) – Day 125th September (Division 1) – Day 226th September (Division 2) – Day 2at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 18th September (Division 1) - Day 119th September (Division 2) – Day 125th September (Division 1) – Day 226th September (Division 2) – Day 2at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
Super Sports DayThe annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June. An excellent day was had by all and the fantastic weather really made it. The...
Just a few reminders regarding the forthcoming sports day in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June:Parade begins at 10 a.m. sharp with races commencing immediately afterwardsRunning shoes must be worn for all track...
This year’s sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 30th...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 30th May at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due to the large number of schools taking...
Sports Day This year’s sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and RecreationPark, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June at 10 a.m. sharp.Events in Sports DayTrackUnder 8 50mUnder 8 80mUnder 9 50mUnder 9 80mUnder 10 ...
The Allianz Tráth na gCeist took place on Thursday 2nd May in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh. The schools that took part were St.Fergals Bray, Kilcoole, Rathdrum, Rathcoyle, Kilmacanogue, Moneystown, Talbotstown, Grangecon, St.Cronans Bray and...
The Allianz Tráth na gCeist is on this Thursday 2nd May at 7.30 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. Schools are asked to bring spot prizes on the night with a GAA theme if possible. A great night is always had by all so get learning those...
Pupils from all parts of the county took part in the County finals of the INTO Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Skills competition in a rain soaked and windy Aughrim on Wednesday last. Despite the adverse weather conditions the standard was very high and...
Final Term EventsGirls’ Allianz Football Blitz 24th April at 11.00 Roundwood (change of venue) – 9 a-side – no age limit. Points only, no goal keeper. Contact Claire...
Final Term EventsGirls’ Allianz Football Blitz 24th April at 11.00 Roundwood (change of venue) – 9 a-side – no age limit. Points only, no goal keeper. Contact Claire...
Congratulations to all the winners who are representing their region in the County Finals in Aughrim on the 17th April at 11.00amHurlingLuke Dorgan St Kevins NSMichael Timmins St CronansJoe MacDonald Newtown NSJack Manley Avondale NSJack...
A big thanks to all 34 players who attended on the day and to the parents, teachers, CE coaches and volunteers who helped on the day. It was great to see so many schools in attendance on the day and the skill level on the day was very good....
Events in AprilINTO Skills Challenge Regionals April 10th at 11 a.m.North schools - Bray Emmets GAA grounds - Garrett Doyle (083 4357460)West schools - Hollywood GAA grounds - Paul Garrigan (083 4366801)April 11th at 11.a.m....
Events in AprilINTO Skills Challenge Regionals April 10th at 11 a.m.North schools - Bray Emmets GAA grounds - Garrett Doyle (083 4357460)West schools - Hollywood GAA grounds - Paul Garrigan (083 4366801)April 11th at 11.a.m....
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Skills Competition (INTO mini 7's) will take place on the 10th and 11th April in different centres around the county. It would be important to organise this in your own school this coming week as there will be very...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
The new website of Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin was officially launched on Thursday 4th October in the Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy. This event was combined with the AGM and there was a...
The new website ofCumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin is going to be officially launched on Thursday 4th October in the Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 7.30. This event will be combined with our AGM which should...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 19ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) - Day 120ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 126ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) – Day 227ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 2ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 19ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) - Day 120ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 126ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) – Day 227ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 2ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 19ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) - Day 120ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 126ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) – Day 227ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 2ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 19ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) - Day 120ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 126ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) – Day 227ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 2ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 6th June. There was a good turnout of schools from all around Wicklow. Although there were a couple of...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 6th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Entry forms have been emailed to all schools. Rules for Sports Day **EACH...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 6th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Entry forms have been emailed to all schools. The entry fee of €50 must be...
The annual Sports day will take place in Charlesland on June 6th at 10 a.m. Schools will receive details from Ciarán O’Neill. There has been a change in the day for the Sports Day meeting due to the upcoming referendum. The...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin Tráth na gCeist took place in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh on Thursday night last. We held it mid-week on a Thursday, later in the year with bright evenings for travelling with the hope...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist will take place on this Thursday, May 10th at 7 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. This is a table quiz with 4 members on each team and schools are asked to bring spot prizes on the night...
Well done to those who showed expert skills during the Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol INTO Mini 7’s Skills Challenge that took place in Roundwood GAA club. The boys and girls chosen were Patrick Murphy, St Pats Wicklow (Boys Football),...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday, May 10th at 7 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. This is a table quiz with 4 members on each team and schools are asked to bring spot prizes on the night, with...
Well done to those who showed expert skills during the Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol INTO Mini 7’s Skills Challenge that took place in Roundwood GAA club. The boys and girls chosen were Patrick Murphy, St Pats Wicklow (Boys Football),...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday, May 10th at 7 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. It’s time to start brushing up your sporting knowledge, on the county colours, nicknames, history and...
The Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol INTO Mini 7’s Skills Challenge took place in Roundwood GAA club on Wednesday 18th April. There were players in attendance from all corners of Wicklow with schools from all across the county being...
The INTO Mini 7’s Skills Challenge will take place on 18th April in Roundwood GAA grounds. Boys Football and Girls Football skill test will begin at 10.30. Hurling and Camogie skill tests will begin at 12.00. Pupils must be...
The INTO Mini 7’s Skills Challenge will take place on 18th April in Roundwood GAA grounds. Two pupils from each school will be allowed to take part in each discipline. It is imperative that you are aware of the age restrictions...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 6th June at 10 a.m. sharp. We look forward to a good turnout on the day.
The INTO Mini 7’s Skills Challenge will take place on 18th April in Roundwood GAA grounds. Two pupils from each school will be allowed to take part in each discipline. It is imperative that you are aware of the age restrictions...
The Tráth na gCeist which was to take place on Friday 9th March has had to be postponed. It will now take place on Thursday May 10th at 7p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. Details to follow closer to the event.
Dé Céadaoin 6ú Meitheamh ag tosú ar 10.00 a.m. in Charlesland Sports and Recreational Centre (There are strict age limits for Sports Day)
31ú Bealtaine ag tosú ar 8.00 p.m. in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School ***It is imperative that any school participating in Sports Day 2012 is represented at this meeting
Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling This selection process will take place on 18ú Aibrean in Roundwood GAA grounds
9ú Márta ag tosú ar 7.30 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh
The AGM of Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin was held on Thursday last in the Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy. In attendance on the night was Jim O’Riordán, Annemarie McKenna, Dave Barry, Michéal Ó Murchú, Ciarán O’Neill, Sinead Ní...
24ú Samhain in Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 8.00 p.m. All welcome, would love to see some new faces!
24ú Samhain in Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 8.00 p.m.
AGM 24ú Samhain - Time and venue to be announced.