West Wicklow News Articles
There will be a mixed hurling blitz for 5th and 6th class in Blessington on the 14th March. Please register your interest using the form below.https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=...
There were some great skills on show in West Wicklow when the boys of 3rd and 4th class took to the field in Baltinglass on the 28th February. This football blitz was 9 a-side and there were some fantastic scores taken.Participating schools included...
28th February 3rd & 4th Boys Football (9 a side) Baltinglass14th March 5th & 6th Mixed Hurling ...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills Competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 24th. · North/East Skills Competition - Tuesday...
St. Laurence’s O’Toole NS, Roundwood has been shortlisted in the Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket National Awards in the Publication of the Year category. A book was put together chronicling 35 years of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol participation in...
There was a super turnout at the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November. Schools travelled from every corner of Wicklow to show their knowledge on all things GAA. There were 8 rounds in total...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November at 7.30pm. For information on the Tráth na gCeist please contact Billy...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November @7.30pm. Any school that is interested in attending should contact...
Friday 18th October saw teams from West Wicklow travelling to Donard to take part in the Boys Allianz Football Blitz for 5th and 6th class. Schools represented included Scoil Naomh Iósaf, Scoil Treasa Naomha, Tynock, Gaelscoil na Lochanna, Scoil...
Well done to all the schools who participated in the 5th and 6th Class Girls’ Football blitz on the 4th October in Hollywood. Thanks to the teachers, mentors and players for a great day. Particular thanks to Cormac for all his organisation and to...
Cumann na mBunscol - Cornmarket Annual Awards 2025 Pat Trainor Hall of Fame Award: This award was instigated to remember a friend and colleague Pat Trainor. The object of the award is to honour a fellow teacher who has given years of...
There was a great day held promoting hurling for 3rd and 4th Class children on Friday 20th September in Blessington. It was a mixed boys’ and girls’ blitz with the focus on participation and practising skills. Schools that took part included:...
We would like to thank all those who attended our AGM in Laragh on the 11th September. We had a good spread of teachers from across the county and we greatly value their input and time. The promotion of Gaelic games and culture can only thrive in...
Mixed (Boys and Girls) 3rd and 4th Class HurlingFriday 20th September, 9 a-side, Blessington Girls’ 5th and 6th Class FootballFriday 4th October, 11 a-side, Hollywood Boys’ 5th and 6th Class FootballFriday 18th October, 11 a-side, Donard/...
Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year will soon begin with our annual AGM and Registration. Please see main details below:Venue: Lynhams Hotel, LaraghDate: Wednesday September 11th @4pm.Fee: €50 Registration fee.Refreshments: Tea and...
Eoghan Fitzgerald had a fantastic day representing his school St Marys SNS, and his GAA club Blessington in the GAA/INTO Cumann na mBunscol Go Games match at half time during the All-Ireland Football final between Armagh and Galway. Eoghan...
Laci was extremely proud to represent her school St. Patricks National School, Bearna Chle and her Camogie Club Annacurra at the Hurling All Ireland in Croke Park partaking in the GAA/INTO Cumann na mBunscol Exhibition Go Games. It was a dream to...
Conall Barrett, Gaelscoil na gCloch Liath and Eire Og Greystones, enjoyed a wonderful day participating in the INTO mini games at Croke Park on Saturday 6th July 2024 at half-time during the Senior All-Ireland Hurling semi-final between Clare and...
There was a magic morning of football in the West for 1st and 2nd classes at the Cumann na mBunscol blitz. Blessington GAA welcomed Valleymount, Kilbride, Educate Together, Gaelscoil na Lochanna, and St Mary's JNS. 163 children...
It was a wet and windy day on the 13th June in Éire Óg, however this did not stop 16 Wicklow boys from showing determination and enthusiasm in the Carlow Lift and Strike competition. Schools representing Wicklow included Crossbridge, Coolafancy,...
The 12th June saw schools from all over Wicklow descend on Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park in Greystones set and ready to race! The day began with a parade around the track with each school displaying their banner, wearing their school’s...
U8 50m Boys 1st Lycon Power - Greystones Community National School 2nd Max Kelly Trogen - Kilcoole Primary School 3rd Luke Wade - St Laurence's National School, GreystonesU8 80m Boys 1st...
What: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 12th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Sports Day MeetingThe Sports Day meeting will take place on Wednesday 29th May ...
On the 3rd May there was a great day’s hurling held in Kiltegan for 5th and 6th class (mixed). Schools represented on the day included Dunlavin, Talbotstown, Rathcoyle, Tynock, Baltinglass and Donard. Thanks to Conor Daly for organising and to...
On the 19th April there was a 3rd and 4th Class Boys Football Blitz held in Hollywood. Schools represented included Hollywood, Dunlavin, St. Mary’s, Baltinglass, Donard, Gaelscoil na Lochanna, Tynock, Stratford and Knockananna.Photoshttps://photos....
There was a 3rd and 4th Class Girls Blitz held in Dunlavin. The blitz was made up of teams from Baltinglass, Dunlavin, Donard, Hollywood, Gaelscoil na lochanna and St. Mary's in Blessington.Photoshttps://photos.app.goo.gl/1BjNCfyfjGUZp6gGA Then...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills Challenge County Final took place in Ballinakill on 17th April. The winners were as follows:Boys Football: Eoghan Fitzgerald (St. Mary’s SNS, Blessington)Girls Football: Niamh Ní Churáin (Gaelscoil Uí...
There will be a Rounders training course for teachers on Monday the 29th April, from 1:30 p.m. (sharp) until 3 p.m., in Rathnew AFC. Rounders is a fun, inclusive game which is one of the four official GAA codes. As part of the course, teachers...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues on the week schools returned after the Easter break. On the 9th April the North East qualifiers were held in Bray Emmets. Those who qualified in Bray included:...
A huge well done to the boys who represented themselves, their schools and their county so well at half time against Westmeath in O’Moore Park on Sunday 7th April. The team was a mixture from schools across the county: B. McCoy, K. McCoy (...
Dunlavin Gaa grounds was the venue for a very successful day of football for 3rd and 4th class girls in West Wicklow on Thursday 7th March. Well done to the girls from Baltinglass, Hollywood, Dunlavin, Donard, Gaelscoil na Lochanna and St Mary's SNS...
On March 8th all roads led to the centre of the country to Mullingar for the National Cornmarket Cumann na mBunscol Awards. These awards are like the Oscars for primary school teachers involved in the promotion of Gaelic games in their schools and...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 8th. · North/East Skills Competition - Tuesday April 9th in Bray...
Blessington GAA was the venue for a West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol football blitz for 5th & 6th class boys on Friday 23rd February. 86 boys enjoyed the fresh conditions with each school team playing at least 4 games. Some great football was...
The good news filtered through last week that Wicklow is featuring heavily in the Cornmarket National Award nominations. Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin has been nominated in two award categories, namely the ‘Allianz PR’ award and the ‘Social...
23rd February 5th & 6th class Boys ...
The Cumann na mBunscol Awards Ceremony will take place on Friday 8th March at the Mullingar Park Hotel, Mullingar Co Westmeath. The AGM will take place the following morning on Saturday 9th March at 11.00am, also in the ...
The 24th November was a night to remember for Allianz Cumann na mBunscol when guest of honour Brian Cody launched the ‘Caoga Bliain ag Fás’ book which documents the history of Cumann na mBunscol since its foundation in 1971. The book has been a...
Bhi craic agus ceisteanna againn i Lynhams oíche Déardaoin seo chaite. Over one hundred pupils from all over the county made the trip to Laragh for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Tráth na gCeist. Lynham's did brilliantly to accommodate us...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 9th of November @7.30pm. Any school that is interested in attending should contact Billy...
On the 12th October, West Wicklow held a blitz for girls in 5th and 6th class on a fantastic morning weather-wise in Hollywood. 7 teams took part made up of Baltinglass NS, Blessington Senior National School, Gaelscoil na Lochanna, Valleymount and...
Blessington was the venue for a very enjoyable hurling blitz for 3rd and 4th class boys and girls in West Wicklow. Attendance was very positive with over 70 children making light of the autumnal conditions. There was a fantastic mix of...
Thursday 5th October Mixed 3rd/4th Hurling 9 aside Blessington (Boys&Girls)Thursday 12th October ...
A big thank you to those who attended the Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow AGM in Laragh on the 13th September. A special thanks to Pádraig Murphy for hosting the AGM in Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa. Some lucky AGM participants won sports equipment such as a...
Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year will soon begin with our annual AGM and Registration on Wednesday September 13th in Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa, Laragh (Eircode A98TR96) at 4pm. Tea and sandwiches will be served afterwards.The AGM is...
Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin thank pupils, teachers, principals, parents, GDAs/County board and anyone who helped to promote Gaelic games in primary schools in the Garden County. We wish you all a happy and healthy summer holiday, and we hope...
Baltinglass GAA club was the venue for a sunny Allianz Cumann na mBunscol blitz on June 15th for 1st and 2nd class boys and girls in West Wicklow. 22 teams took part, which meant 175 boys and girls were playing, what fantastic promotion of the...
Thanks to all the Wicklow players who visited various schools around the county with All-Ireland trophies, many of whom are past pupils and have graced the fields at Cumann na mBunscol competitions. The Senior hurlers brought the Nicky Rackard cup,...
Sports Day 2023 - Information and RegistrationWhat: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Sports Day MeetingThe Sports Day meeting will...
A West Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol blitz for 5th and 6th class girls was held in Dunlavin GAA club on May 25th. These blitzes are open to all primary schools in West Wicklow. Schools represented on the day were 3 St. Mary's SNS Blessington, 2...
An Allianz Cumann na mBunscol football blitz for 5th and 6th class boys was held in Blessington GAA club on May 4th. These blitzes are open to all primary schools in West Wicklow. Schools represented on the day were 2 St Mary's SNS Blessington teams...
The Boys' Hurling Credit Union Cup for 5th and 6th class will take place on Thursday 18th May at 11.45 a.m. in the Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be adjusted depending on...
The Allianz Camogie blitz for 5th and 6th classes this year will take place on Thursday 25th May at 11.45 a.m., in Ballinakill Centre of Excellence. These games will be competitive based games. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be adjusted depending...
25th May 5th/6th Class Girls Dunlavin @ 11.00am15th June 1st/2nd class mixed Baltinglass @ 11.00am
Please be aware that the Rounders course has now changed to Thursday April 27th. This is outside our control and down to a late change from the rounders instructor. We apologise for any inconvenience. Please see details below:Rounders courseWhen:...
Sports Day 2023 - Information and RegistrationWhat: Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports DayWhere: Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, GreystonesWhen: Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp.Sports Day MeetingThe Sports Day meeting will take...
The County Skills Challenge Final was held on Friday 24th March in Ballinakill. The top performing pupils will have the opportunity to represent their school and county during the half-time of selected All Ireland Series...
Congratulations to those who qualified in the North/East, South and West Skills Tests. Thanks to the Wicklow GDAs for running the tests and for all their organisation.North/East Regional WinnersBoys Football- Kevin McCart, Ravenswell- Sean...
Due to the bad weather forecast for March 15th we have taken the decision to reschedule the Skills competition. Please see the new details below: Event venues and dates: Wed 22nd March in Ballinakill (South qualifiers) Fri 24th March...
There was a 5th and 6th class girls blitz as well as a 3rd and 4th class boys blitz held in Baltinglass and Hollywood respectively. The focus of these blitzes was on participation. Schools represented at the girls blitz in Baltinglass included...
A fantastic evening was had by those attending the Cornmarket National Awards in Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. Kilcoole Primary School was awarded 2nd place in the School of the Year category for the work being done in promoting Gaelic games and...
2nd March 3rd/4th Class Boys Hollywood @ 11.00am14th March INTO skills challenge for Boys & Girls Blessington @ 11.00am**Winners go to finals day on the 20th March Ballinakill @ 11....
There were some super skills on show in Baltinglass on Thursday 23rd February by the 5th and 6th class girls who took part in a football blitz. The sun shone and all had a great day. Well done to all involved in organising such a...
A rounders coaching course will take place on Monday April 24th in Kilcoole Primary School (St Brigid's Building) from 12 – 3 p.m. It will be run by retired teacher, Michael Dowling from Laois, who established rounders as a firm favourite on...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 13th.North/East Skills Competition - Monday 13th March in Bray Emmets.West Skills Competition – Tuesday 14th ...
If any school in Wicklow is interested in getting involved in handball, please contact Rúnaí Brian Cornyn via email (runai.cnmbwicklow@yahoo.ie). Leinster representatives will be selected for the national Cumann na mBunscol day by the weekend...
The Cornmarket Cumann na mBunscol National Awards is a great opportunity for schools to showcase the work they are doing promoting Gaelic games in their schools and the prizes are fantastic. It is always a great night out and this year the...
It’s hard to believe it was November when hurlers from all areas of West Wicklow arrived in Kiltegan on Friday 18th November for their hurling blitz. The sun was shining and there was a smell of freshly cut grass on the well turned out Kiltegan...
Bhí an gabhar a rosta i Lynhams oíche Déardaoin seo caite. Bhí craic agus ceisteanna againn ar an oíche. Over one hundred and twenty pupils from all over the county made the trip to Laragh for the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Tráth na gCeist for the...
West Wicklow9 a-side Hurling Blitz Coming Up in Kiltegan18th November – 9 a-side Hurling Blitz - KilteganContact West Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Representative Michael Moran, Scoil Nioclais Naofa, Dunlavin on 045-401495 if interested in...
Dunlavin hosted a mixed blitz for 5th and 6th class on the 25th October. There were 12 teams from 7 different schools that attended. Well done to all the teams who showed great skills and teamwork. Schools represented included...
18th October - Cross Country Running – Valleymount25th October – 9 a-side Football Blitz (mixed) – Dunlavin18th November – 9 a-side Hurling Blitz - KilteganContact West Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Representative Michael Moran, Scoil Nioclais...
It’s time to get those thinking caps on again as the annual Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCéist is coming up. It will take place on Thursday 10th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynham’s Hotel in Laragh. Any school that is interested in...
Rúnaí Brian Cornyn and PRO Pamela McDermott attended as the Wicklow delegates at the National Allianz Cumann na mBunscol General September Meeting in Jury’s Croke Park Hotel on Saturday 24th September. The room buzzed with enthusiasm as primary...
Ciara Fagan, Cathaoirleach, opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance and stating how good it was to be back planning for a full year’s activity for primary school Gaelic games in the Garden County. All schools have been sent a...
This will take place on the 14th September at 4 p.m. in Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa, Laragh where schools can register for North-East, South and West Allianz Cumann na mBunscol activities. The cost for the 2022-2023 school year is €50. Schools...
Congratulations to Josh who represented Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin and Scoil Naomh Iosaf Baltinglass in the INTO Mini 7’s in Croke Park at the All-Ireland Final! Maith thú Josh!Read his account of the day…I was very excited when my...
National Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Week will take place this year from the 13th to the 17th June where schools will get the opportunity to celebrate all that is good in Cumann na mBunscol. Some of the activities your school can chose from...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow County Skills Final took place in the Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill on Wednesday April 27th. The skills on show were of a high standard and all participants performed to the best of...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues this week. The North/East Skills Competition was held on Tuesday April 5th in Bray Emmets, the West Skills Competition was on...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 4th. · North/East Skills Competition - Tuesday April 5th in Bray Emmets.·...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill MhantáinFixtures List 2022 The objective for the final term of this school year is that the senior classes (5th/6th class), who missed out during the pandemic, get to play for their school in a non-competitive,...
Sinéad Ní Chreán Loinsigh, Cathaoirleach, opened the meeting by welcoming those in attendance and acknowledging how good it was to be back planning for primary school Gaelic games. She thanked those involved in facilitating Cumann na mBunscol...
We are delighted to inform you that after school training and inter school games can recommence after the mid term break. The National Committee of Cumann na mBunscol has now instructed each Coiste to begin organising their respective games...
Cumann na mBunscol Náisiúnta issued a statement to say that there has been no change to the directive from the Department of Education, i.e. that children should remain in pods, therefore schools should not organise games with other schools. It is...
Croke Park GAA Learning department are hosting a webinar next Wednesday 30th Sept for Primary School teachers. Please register at the link below and forward to any other interested teachers.https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=...
After careful consideration and taking into account the guidance from the Department of Education and the National Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Committee, the decision has been made not to hold any activities in this term. The National...
Online GAA Summer course for teachers being run by Mary I from July 1st to 15thDetails in this link https://www.mic.ul.ie/news/2020/mic-munster-gaa-cpd-online-programme
We hope that everyone is keeping safe and well. As we face into the final month of the school term our Allianz Cumann na mBunscol fixtures would be nearing a close and we should be looking forward to the summer holidays. We are sure that you all,...
Please find a link below in relation to a questionnaire from the GAA Games Development Committee in conjunction with Cumann na mBunscol.The results of this questionnaire will form the basis to establish a club-school link template. It is therefore...
All @AllianzIreland Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin fixtures have been cancelled in line with school closures. We hope everyone stays safe and well, and we look forward to when we can meet again. Go to https://learning.gaa.ie/primary-school for...
Scoil Niocláis Naofa Dunlavin hosted the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol’s (West Wicklow) fixtures meeting for Terms 2 & 3 of 2020. Under the stewardship of Tommy Brennan the primary school teachers of West Wicklow set out their stall for the...
Well done to the 5th/6th class boys from Holywood, Lacken, Dunlavin, Donard, Hacketstown, Valleymount and Knockananna National Schools who took part in the recent participation blitz with GDA’s Cormac Noone and Paul Garrigan.
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Awards are upon us again and now is the time to promote and showcase the great work your school are doing to promote our Gaelic Games and culture. The awards event is a memorable and special night which...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist took place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November. It was a great night with a good turnout of schools. In 1st place came St. Laurence O’Toole, Roundwood; in 2nd...
It is that time of year again as we prepare for the annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist. It will take place in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh on the 7th of November @7.30pm. Any school that is interested in attending should...
A fantastic morning was had by all in Dunlavin GAA grounds at the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol 5th and 6th Class boys’ football blitz. Ten teams took part in very competitive games. Thanks to the teachers for their help and to all...
The GAA 5 Star Centre initiative is going from strength to strength, with over 700 primary schools signed up for 2019-2020. In response to this, there will be a broadcast of the first ever GAA 5 Star Centre Webinar live on Wed., Oct. 23 from 3....
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow held their annual AGM in Lynhams of Laragh on Thursday 12th September. This was an all-county AGM and registration evening, many thanks to the schools in attendance and to those who sent their apologies.Sinead Ní...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year began with our annual AGM and Registration on Thursday September 12th in Lynhams of Laragh. Thanks to all who attended and those who sent their registration in the post (Full report on AGM to...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year will begin next week with our annual AGM and Registration on Thursday September 12th in Lynhams of Laragh at 5pm. Tea and sandwiches will be served afterwards.This will be an ALL COUNTY...
In March, I qualified to go to Ballinakill for a Cumann na mBunscol GAA skills competition. I was very happy when I came 1st in the Ladies Football. After a while of waiting to see what would happen, I received a letter from Cumann na...
Welcome back to the start of another school year. Let’s hope it’s a happy, healthy and successful one. We have an exciting calendar of events planned for 2019 – 2020 and are looking forward to it. Well done to those who represented the...
We wish everyone a very happy summer holiday, hopefully the sun shines! Enjoy a well deserved break and our fixtures will be ready to go again in September!
The Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports day finally went ahead on a sunny day in Charlesland on Wednesday June 19th. It had been cancelled the week previously due to the torrential rain much to everyone’s disappointment, however it was...
Written By Martin Byrne, 6th class, Dunlavin We were really excited to be asked to play at half time during the Wicklow vs Kildare Leinster Championship match which took place in Dr Cullen Park, Carlow on Saturday May 11 at 7 p.m. Five...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 12th June at 10 a.m. sharp. All schools have been emailed guidelines in relation to Sports Day. ...
The County Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skill Tests took place on April 3rd in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. The top performing pupils in the County Skills tests now have the opportunity to represent their school and...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition took place in regional venues this week. Well done to all the participants who did a fine job representing their schools and should be very proud of this achievement. The...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 25th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
The annual Cornmarket Cumann na mBunscol National Awards took place this year in the Sligo Park Hotel on the 8th March. The Garden County had a very successful and enjoyable night in Sligo. Jim O’Riordan, stalwart of Allianz Cumann na...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning March 25th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
Don’t forget the deadline is fast approaching for entries for the Awards. There is so much work going on schools in the Garden County, it is just a matter of putting it down on paper; and working on a project is a great way to get the...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Chill Mhantáin wishes all teachers, GDA’s, coaches, parents, children and everyone a great Christmas and a happy and healthy 2018.
Wicklow's Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist took place on Thursday 15th November in Lynhams of Laragh. Quizmaster Billy Cuddihy did a fine job on the night of testing everyone’s knowledge. There were...
It's that time of year again. Wicklow's Allianz Cumann na mBunscol invite all schools to participate in this years Tráth na gCeist. It will take place on Thursday the 15th of November at 7:30 p.m. in Lynhams of...
For information on the National Awards click on linkhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/2iox8grl8nf3py9/Cumann%20na%20mBunscol%20Cornmarket%20Awards%202019.pdf?dl=0
Please click on the link to download our registration form for the school year 2018/2019.https://www.dropbox.com/s/904yfkggqi4jeho/Cumann%20na%20mBunscol%20Registration%20Form%202018.docx?dl=0
Tráth na gCeist- Thursday November 15th, Lynhams of Laragh, 7.30pmIt would be fantastic to see a greater turnout at this year's Tráth na gCeist, it is a fun and enjoyable evening where we get the opportunity to challenge our children to think...
Schools that did not attend the registration evening please forward registration form and cheque of €50 made payable to Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow to our cisteoir, Emer Fahy, St. Anthony's Building, Kilcoole Primary School, Kilcoole, Co.Wicklow....
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow’s year will begin with our annual AGM and Registration on Thursday September 6th in Lynhams of Laragh at 5pm. Tea and sandwiches will be served afterwards. This will be an ALL COUNTY AGM AND...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill MhantáinWelcome back to the start of another school year. Let’s hope it’s a happy, healthy and successful one. The championship this year has produced some memorable occasions and we hope the boys and...
It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone and the summer has arrived. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all teachers, parents, GDAs and anyone involved in helping Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin to...
Sports Day Meeting and Online Registration This year’s Sports Day meeting will take place on 7th June at 8.00 p.m. in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School. It is imperative that any school participating in Sports Day 2018 is represented...
County Open night, ‘Meet & Greet’ your County Senior Football & Hurling Teams on Friday 4th may 6.30pm to 8pm in Ballinakill. Club members who have not yet been to the Centre of Excellence can come and look at the fantastic...
Congratulations to all the young players who produced an exciting day of Camogie at the biggest yet Cumann na mBunscol Primary Schools Blitz played in Ballinakill on Friday 27th April. Over 100 girls participated from Gaelscoil Chill...
The top pupils in each code, from each area, were invited to compete in the County Skill Tests in the Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill on Thursday 19th April. There were wonderful skills on show and every participant should be...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 9th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week beginning April 9th. Please take particular notice of the age restriction regarding this event. Note that the age limit has...
A great night was had in the Newpark Hotel in Kilkenny on Friday 9th March at the Cornmarket Cumann na mBunscol National Awards. These awards cover the thirty-two counties of Ireland and the fact that Wicklow has such a fine history at the...
This will take place at 5 o’clock in the Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. This concerns players from age 4 to 17. All schools that take part in the GAA Coaching and Games programme are expected to send at least one...
On behalf of Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol we would like to thank all the schools, children, teachers and parents who took part in another thoroughably enjoyable night in Lynhams of Laragh on the 16th November. Thanks also to the staff of...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Awards are upon us again and now is the time to promote and showcase the great work your school are doing to promote our Gaelic Games and culture. The awards event is a memorable and special night which...
Wicklow's Allianz Cumann na mBunscol invite all schools to participate in this years Tráth na gCeist. It will take place on Thursday the 16th of November @7.30 pm in Lynhams of Laragh. Schools can enter by contacting Billy Cuddihy by email (...
There was a great turnout in the recent West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol Allianz Coughlan Cup Competitions ran by GDA Paul Garrigan with over 20 schools taking part in the competition. The focus of this years blitz was point scoring with no...
Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 16th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh
The AGM of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin took place in the Parkview Hotel, Newtown on October 5th. In attendance was Ronan Keddy, Billy Cuddihy, Jill and Craig Aston, Dominic Leech (Ladies GAA), Claire Frawley, Garrett Doyle...
AGM 5th October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p.m.Tá súil againn go bhfuil sibh ar fad socruithe ar ais anois agus go bhfuil tús maith curtha agaibh leis an scoilbhliain nua.Táimíd ag súil go mór le sibh a...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol would like to wish all teachers, parents and children a happy and safe summer holidays. Hopefully the sun will shine and there’ll be lots of opportunity to get out in the fresh air, play some games and have fun....
There was a very successful day held for junior infants in schools from West Wicklow in Hollywood GAA Grounds on 21st June. The children took part in fun games and activities that focused on improving movement skills. The Leinster Roadshow...
Boys Allianz Hurling League Day No Age Limit (9 A Side Boys Only)Helmets will be provided for players on the day if needed. Please contact Hurling GDA Jonathan Tallon 083 3645136 if you would like to take partVenue---Dunlavin June 1st 2017 11....
The final hurling event of the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol schedule took place in Bray Emmets GAA Grounds last Wednesday. Eight schools in total participated; St Cronans(1), St Cronans (2), St Pats Wicklow (1), St. Pats Wicklow (2), Talbotstown...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sports and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 7th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take...
Congratulations to those who qualified for the INTO Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Skills competition and will play during half time in the All-Ireland series in Croke Park in the summer. Girls Football: Aobha Harmon, Rathcoyle NS...
1st /2nd Class 9 a-Side Mixed Football Blitz (Max 2 teams per school)Schools-Kilbride, Lacken, St Marys, Blessington No 1, Gaelscoil Blessington, Blessington Ed Together and Valleymount. Please contact Sharon Broderick on 087 6875710 if school...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO County Skills Finals took place on Monday 3rd April in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. The top performing pupils in the County Skills tests will have the...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO Skills competition took place in regional venues on the week of the 27th March. In the North East we were lucky to get some inspirational words from newly...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week of the 27th March. Children who have qualified from the Skill Tests to represent Wicklow in Croke...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin INTO Skills competition will take place in regional venues on the week of the 27th March. Children who have qualified from the Skill Tests to represent Wicklow...
West Wicklow National School League Boys BlitzesGroup 1 Blessington, Baltinglass, Hacketstown, Dunlavin11 A Side Boys OnlyVenue BLESSINGTON—March 31st 2017 11.00amGroup 2 Hollywood, Donard, Valleymount, Blessington No111 A Side Boys OnlyVenue...
The 2017 Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Annual Awards took place in the Killyhevlin Hotel, Enniskillen, Co.Fermanagh on Friday 10th March. The Garden County were nominated in three different categories. Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill...
This course is being run in the County over the next few weeks. If you would like to do this course please follow the instructions below and complete the online material. On completing the online material Wicklow Coaching & Games will...
There will be a camogie blitz on Wednesday 15th February. The primary focus of this blitz is participation and getting as many girls involved in playing camogie as possible, regardless of ability. It is nine a-side and there is no age...
The Leinster handball finals will take place in St Joseph's Wexford on Monday 13th February (boys) and Tuesday 14th February (girls). Colm Ó Tiarnaigh will be the coordinator. Can you confirm if you have any boys or girls taking part before...
There will be 5th/6th class primary schools blitz' as follows for 2017. All blitz' are for both boys and girls, 11 aside.ALL BLITZ’ 11am - 12:3025th January - Ballinakill COE15th March - Ballinakill COE26th April -...
· Promotion of Gaelic Games and Culture – SchoolsCategory 5: 1st Prize €700 2nd Prize €600 3rd Prize €500Schools are asked to show their work in promoting Gaelic Games and Culture. This can target a single area or...
There was a great turnout of schools this week for the first ever Pella Boys Blitz to take place in Wicklow. Bigstone N.S, Grangecon N.S, Knockananna N.S, Donard N.S, Hacketstown N.S, Valleymount N.S and Stratford N.S all...
A fantastic afternoon was spent at Bray Emmets clubhouse on Thursday 24th November where a group of 5th class boys and girls from all corners of the county were coached in the art of refereeing by highly esteemed referee David Gough. The pupils were...
Well done to all who participated in a great night in Laragh in the annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist. In 1st place was Rathcoyle, in 2nd Talbotstown and in 3rd place Scoil Chualann. Comhghairdeas!Photoshttps://goo.gl/photos/inzChUr7vzVWfjPh6
· Promotion of Gaelic Games and Culture – SchoolsCategory 5: 1st Prize €700 2nd Prize €600 3rd Prize €500Schools are asked to show their work in promoting Gaelic Games and Culture. This can target a single area or...
Online Foundation Hurling course This will be available online from the 20th of November 2016. In order to enrol on this course you will need to follow the information belowYou will first need to register on the E-Learning ...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday November 17th at 7.30pm in Lynhams of Laragh. If your school is interested in taking part please contact cuddihybilly@gmail.com as soon as...
Wishing all a happy and a safe break over the Halloween holidays.
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 14th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin AGM took place on 6th October in the Parkview Hotel, Newtown. Jim O’Riordan, Cathaoirleach welcomed everyone to the meeting.In attendance were Sinéad Ní Chréan Loinsigh (Scoil Chualann), Míchéal Ó...
There was a great turnout in Blessington for the 1st and 2nd Class Allianz Cumann na mBunscol blitz organised by Paul Garrigan. Well done to all involved!
Interested in starting handball in your school? For all information go to https://www.gaahandball.ie/schools/registrations There is a new discount offer to kick start the new school year. Regisiter your school online for fantastic...
The GAA's Medical, Scientific and Welfare Committee would like to invite the members of Cumann na mBunscol and all those involved in Primary Schools GAA to attend the upcoming Concussion Symposium which will take place in Croke Park...
Welcome back to the start of another school year. Let’s hope it’s a happy, healthy and successful one.North East Fixtures List 2016-2017Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 ...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol would like to wish all teachers, parents and children a happy and safe summer holidays. Hopefully the sun will shine and there’ll be lots of opportunity to get out in the fresh air, play some games and have fun....
On Thursday the 16th June, following a generous invitation from Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Kilkenny, Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow travelled to Nowlan Park Kilkenny for an Exhibition Day of hurling and camogie. Our hurlers and camogie players...
U8 50m Boys 1st Luke O' Donovan - Scoil na Coróine Mhuire, Ashford 2nd Ben Kenny - Kilcoole Primary School 3rd Shane Hamilton - St Laurence's National School, RoundwoodU8 50m Girls1st...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol sports day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 8th June. There was a fantastic turnout and schools represented were Delgany, Gaelscoil na Clocha...
It is hoped to run a Teacher GAA Summer Course in Scoil Chonglais Baltinglass from the 4th to 6th of July. This course is being run by the Education Centre Kildare and the GAA . This course will be very helpful to teachers who are involved with...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol activist Ciarán Byrne has written a book titled ‘A Year in Wicklow With Micko’. The book will be launched in the Arklow Bay Hotel at 8.00 p.m. on Friday 17th June. All are invited to come along to meet Micko...
Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow will travel to Nowlan Park, Kilkenny to participate in an Exhibition Day on Thursday June 16th. It will consist of a coaching session, exhibition match against a Kilkenny...
Just a few reminders regarding the forthcoming sports day in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park on Wednesday 8th June:The parade will begin at 10am sharp!! Be sure to have your school banner on show and the children marching...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 2nd June at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due to the large...
This year Allianz Cumann na mBunscol and the Camogie Association joined forces to run our now annual Camogie Participation Day. Ballinakill Centre of Excellence in Rathdrum played host to 8 teams from all over Wicklow. These teams included:...
Our annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Camogie participation blitz will take place on Wednesday 18th May in Ballinakill Centre of Excellence.This year the day will include coaching along with mini games for the children, a teacher’s workshop and...
A Feast of Hurling!The final primary school hurling blitz of the school year took place in Ballinakill on May 11th with over two hundred children taking part. Fifteen teams, from all over Wicklow, namely Newtown, Kilcoole, Tynock, Talbotstown,...
It is with great sadness that we heard of the passing of Iar-Uachtarán and member of the Blessington GAA Club, Jack Boothman. We offer the condolences and sympathies of Cumann na mBunscol to his family and friends. Ar...
Wicklow GAA will host a meet and greet evening on Tuesday evening 10th May beginning at 6.30pm in Ballinakill. Everyone is welcome to come along and meet our county players. There will be games and spot prizes on the night with refreshments...
Sports Day Information and RegistrationThis year’s Cumann na mBunscol Sports Day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 8th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a...
Baltinglass top the West in Boys Allianz Football LeagueBaltinglass National School took the honours in the recent West Wicklow Boys Division 1 Allianz 11 a-side Football League that took place last week in Blessington GAA Grounds. The...
West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscolFixtures 2016/2017 West Wicklow League Boys BlitzesGroup 1 Blessington, Baltinglass, Hacketstown, Dunlavin11 A Side Boys OnlyVenue BLESSINGTON—April 15th 2016Group 2 Hollywood, Donard, Valleymount, Blessington...
County selection day was held on Monday 14th March in Bray Emmets. Well done to all the participants who did so well to reach the finals. Congratulations to those who qualified to represent the county in Croke Park in the summer. ...
Teachers from all corners of Ireland swapped the tracksuit and rain gear for the glamour n’ glitz of Awards Night on Friday March 11th as the Coiste Náisiúnta of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol took the opportunity to recognise the work of teachers...
County selection day will be held on Monday 14th March in BRAY EMMETS (Was fixed for Ballinakill but pitches not in a good state). On county selection day the boys and girls football will be held at 11 o’clock and hurling/camogie at 12 o...
Hurling1st Adam Williamson St Marys Blessington NS2nd Austin Brennan Gaelscoil Blessington NS3rd Brian Richardson St Marys Blessington NS4th Ciaran Clarke Hollywood NSCamogie1st Faye Corrigan Tynock NS2nd Caoimhe Coogan Knockananna NS3rd Eimear O...
Teachers from all corners of Ireland will swap the tracksuit and rain gear for the glamour n’ glitz of Awards Night on Friday March 11th as the Coiste Náisiúnta of Cumann na mBunscol takes the opportunity to recognise the work of teachers throughout...
The North-East regional Skills Challenge took place in Bray Emmets on a cold Spring day. Schools sent representatives in all codes – boys’ and girls’ football, hurling and camogie. These boys and girls were selected as the most...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin would like to express their sincere sympathy to the family and friends of the late Peter Keogh. Peter would have been in attendance at our annual Tráth na gCeist and always had a few wise...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Awards will take place on the 11th March 2016 in the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork, this will be followed by the A.G.M. of Cumann na mBunscol Náisiúnta on March 12th....
There was a great turnout for the recent West Wicklow 3rd/4th Class Indoor Football Blitzes that took place in Hacketstown and Baltinglass last week. Teams from Hacketstown, Stratford, Baltinglass, Knockananna, Talbotstown, Blessington,...
(Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling, the three skills will be the same as previous years) ...
This GAA Teacher Summer Course is a new blended course being using the Association's new Learning and Development Community Portal. The face-to-face element runs over three days face-to-face and approximately eight hours on...
Over 60 girls took part in the West Wicklow 7 A Side participation blitz that took place in Scoil Chonglais Baltinglass this week. Dunlavin, Baltinglass, Hacketstown and Talbotstown National Schools all took part on the day and...
There was a great turnout for the West Wicklow 7 A Side Hurling in Baltinglass this week with Baltinglass, Bigstone, Dunlavin, Donard, Talbotstown and Hacketstown National Schools all taking part on the day. The aim of the blitz was to...
There was a great turnout for the recent West Wicklow 7 A Side Girls Participation Blitzes that took place over 2 days last week. Over 9 teams took part over the 2 days with full participation, fun and skill development the main focuses of...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
Kilcoole Primary School is School of the Year!The announcement came through this week that Kilcoole Primary School has been placed in 1st place for their Cumann na mBunscol activities. This is a huge honour. In all the schools in...
Cumann na mBunscol is an autonomous National Federation of Primary Schools promoting Gaelic Games in an educational context, having affiliated to it County and Provincial Primary Schools Committees. The philosophy of Cumann...
This Wicklow Camogie Club Forum will be held on 30th JANUARY in Lawless Hotel, Aughrim 9.30am-1pm. This fabulous Forum is aimed at coaches, players, and club officers. Former GAA President Liam O’Neill will talk about motivating/boosting...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin wish all children, parents, teachers and all who support our work during the year a happy and peaceful Christmas. We look forward to 2016 where our events will be taking place again. Nollaig shona...
The Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Annual Awards will take place on Friday 11th March 2016 in the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork. The Categories are as follows:Category 1 - Pat Trainor Hall of Fame Award: This award was instigated to...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Trath na gCeist took place on Thursday evening last in Lynham's Hotel in Laragh and was a fantastic success. This was made possible by the support of the schools, the huge amount of parents who provided both lifts and...
The Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Annual Awards will take place on Friday 11th March 2016 in the Oriel House Hotel, Ballincollig, Cork. The Categories are as follows:Category 1 - Pat Trainor Hall of Fame Award: This award was instigated to...
Hurling: Week of 16th November in regional centres. Camogie: Week of 23rd November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in DecemberYoung WhistlersAs part of a new initiative, Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin have decided...
The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will be held on Thursday 19th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh so get those thinking caps on!
There are workshops being offered to schools from Leinster GAA and Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Laighean that offer the basics of hurling and gaelic football. These workshops cover how elements of the PE Curriculum can be covered through gaelic...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol would like to wish all teachers, parents and children a happy and safe summer holidays. Hopefully the sun will shine and there’ll be lots of opportunity to get out in the fresh air, play some games and have fun....
Leinster GAA and Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Laighean are offering simple workshops to teach the basics of hurling and football to interested primary school teachers. A minimum of ten teachers are required but small schools can come together...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin would like to thank the pupils of St. Kevins, Greystones and Gaelscoil an Inbhir Mhóir for representing Wicklow in the boys and girls mini games exhibition which took place at half time in the Wicklow V...
Míchéal Ó Murchú, Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin’s Hurling Officer is retiring at the end of this school year. He has made it his business throughout his teaching career to promote the game of hurling. He has done tremendous...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin would like to wish the pupils of St. Kevins, Greystones and Gaelscoil an Inbhir Mhóir the best of luck as they represent Wicklow in the boys and girls mini games exhibition which will take place at...
This award can be undertaken by interested schools in the current year or in the new school year and certificates will be presented at a local Allianz Cumann na mBunscol meeting/AGM once criteria has been met. The application form has been emailed...
This year’s Allianz Cumann na mBunscol sports day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 3rd June. There was a fantastic turnout and schools represented were Delgany, Gaelscoil na Clocha Liath,...
It was an historic day for Gaelic games in Wicklow on Tuesday May 12th as newly appointed GAA president Aogán O Fearghail visited a wind swept Ballinakill, GAA's centre of excellence in Wicklow. This was to mark the launch of Féile 2015 which will...
Photo of the organisers of the day – Emer Fahy – Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Camogie Officer Wicklow, Eve Talbot- Director of Camogie Dublin/Wicklow, Mary O'Connor Director of Camogie Development, Joan Flynn Ard Stúirthóir of the...
The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills County Finals were held in Ballinakill on Wednesday the 22nd April. The winners were as follows – Boys Football: Mikey O’Rourke (Dunlavin), Jack Kirwan (...
The All County Girls Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Finals were played in glorious sunshine in Ballinakill with some brillant football played in all games. The schools that took part on the day were Baltinglass, Gaelscoil Arklow, Kilcoole, Moneystown,...
Thursday 23rd at 11 – 9 a-side, no goalkeeper, scoring by kicking/hand passing over the bar only. Venue more than likely Ballinakill.
The annual Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills competition took place in the regional venues on Wednesday April 15th.In the North/East there were representatives from Newtown, Kilcoole, St. Ernan’s Rathnew, St. Kevin’s...
All primary schools in Wicklow have been contacted by email by Allianz Cumann na mBunscol about the school visits in May.So far we have only got a reply from the following 9 schools:Wicklow: Newtownmountkennedy, Kilcoole, Ashford, Crossbridge,...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills competition will take place in different venues after Easter.The West Skill Tests are scheduled for April 15th in Hollywood.The North East Skill Tests are scheduled...
This week saw the boys county finals being played in Ballinakill, Wicklow’s Centre of Excellence. There were three great days held where fantastic, skillful football was on show from boys in the Allianz Football league finals from all corners...
Feile Peil na nOg 2015 will take place in Wexford, Wicklow and Carlow on June 26, 27 and 28 this year. U-14 boys’ and girls’ teams from all over Ireland will descend on the South East that weekend to take part in a festival of Gaelic Football...
There is an indoor workshop taking place aimed at all Juvenile mentors/coaches. It will give you practical tips, techniques & training methods for coaching tackling skills to girls like the hook, block & clash.It will take place...
The annual Cumann na mBunscol and Wicklow GAA Games Development Skills competition will take place in different venues after Easter.The West Skill Tests are scheduled for April 15th in Hollywood.The North East Skill Tests are scheduled for...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantain came home with two national awards from the Landmark Hotel in Carrick-on-Shannon on Friday night last. Wicklow came in 3rd place in the Promotion of Gaelic Games and Culture category for their Caman and Give...
Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling. Regional events will take place on 15th April and those selected will go forward to a county selection day which will be held on 22nd April in...
Boys Football 11 A-Side Blitz Events (Please note 11 A-Side Smaller Schools may have some girls on teams if needed)Group 1 Blessington, Baltinglass, Hacketstown, DunlavinVenue BLESSINGTON—March 4th 2015Group 2 Hollywood, Donard, Valleymount,...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol has been nominated in two categories in the National Awards this year. The two categories are Public Relations and Promotion of Gaelic Games and Culture. This is an All-Ireland competition so it's a great achievement and...
All in Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantåin would like to express their sympathies to Dave Barry on the sudden passing of his brother-in-law. Dave does great work as Cisteoir as well as promoting Gaelic games all around the county. He works...
Coach: Paudie ButlerFocus is on the teaching of the P.E. strands of Athletics, Gymnastics and Games through Gaelic Games - using best practice and active learning methodologiesDate: Wednesday February 11thTime: 7.30 – 9.00p.m.Venue: St.Conleth’s...
Week 1 of the new Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Hurling initiative took place in St Mary's Senior National School Blessington.The initiative involves 8 weeks of coaching in the school by the local GDA and class teacher. Each class will receive...
Wicklow GAA Coaching and Games Development are running two online Foundation Award courses. All theory material of these courses can be done online with the only the practical session of courses taking place in Scoil Chonglais Baltinglass on the...
All in Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin would like to express their sympathy to Cathaoirleach Jim O'Riordan on the passing of his mother over Christmas. Jim does unbelievable work for the promotion of gaelic games in Wicklow and without his...
A new initiative was launched by Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin in conjunction with the County GDA coaches whereby €5000 was spent on 90 hurleys and 90 helmets with the aim of promoting and developing hurling and camogie in the county. It...
Schools that promote Gaelic games in their schools are asked to submit entries to this section. Your work should show how you promote and participate in Gaelic games in your school. The work can be presented through articles /photographs and...
The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist took place on Thursday 20th November in Lynhams, Laragh. The quiz was based on G.A.A general knowledge, questions on Wicklow, news round etc. Sean Stakelum did a fine job of both organising the quiz and being the...
Indoor HurlingWeek of 17th November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in December Allianz Tráth na gCeist The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday 20th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh. Please note...
The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday 20th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh. Please note change of venue. Please email Sean Stakelum at Seanstakelum1@hotmail.com if you wish to enter a team. He can also be...
Bigstone N.S won the West Wicklow Small Schools Allianz Coughlan Cup in great style in the recent finals played in Baltinglass Gaa Grounds. Bigstone N.S, Donoughmore N.S, Kilbride N.S and Grangecon N.S all took part on the day and there was...
Baltinglass National School retained the West Wicklow Times Shield after a great day of girls football in Hollywood Gaa Grounds. Balltinglass N.S, Hollywood N.S, Lacken N.S, Kilbride N.S, Hacketstown N.S, Dunlavin N.S and Valleymount N.S all took...
Courses will commence on Saturday 25th October 2014 in Ballinakill.Dates for Day 2 and 3 has been organised and spaced out to suit those who may want to attend over a period of time.DAY 1: Saturday 25th October in Ballinakill 11am - 4.30pmDAY 2:...
Baltinglass National School won the West Wicklow Allianz Coughlan Cup in Blessington after a great final with Dunlavin National School. Two periods of extra time were needed to separate teams and there was some excellent football played by both...
A new Code of Behaviour (Underage) comes into effect on 1 November 2014. This is a joint Code shared by all of the Gaelic Games Associations. This, the 5th version of the Code and replaces all previous editions of the Code...
The AGM of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantain was held in the Parkview Hotel, Newtown on Thursday 2nd October.In attendance: Jim O’Riordán, Pamela McDermott, Dave Barry, Michéal Ó Murchú, Ciarán O’Neill, Sinead Ní Chrean Loinsigh, Emer Fahy,...
Wicklow Coaching and Games will be running two online foundation courses starting on the 29th of September. All theory material of these courses can be done online with the practical session of courses taking place in Ballinakill on the 18th of...
Seven teams took part in the recent 1st/2nd class football blitz that took place in Stratford Gaa Grounds. Dunlavin N.S, Stratford N.S, Talbotstown and Stratford N.S all were represented on the day. The aim of the blitz was on skill development full...
AGM 2nd October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p.m.All welcome!
AGM 2nd October Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy at 5.00 p.m.
Hurling coaching workshop for young players with MARTIN FOGARTY – Kilkenny GAAin Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence Thurs 11th Sept@7 €5 pay on night to Leighton Glynn
All Ireland Camogie FinalsThe All Ireland Camogie Finals are on Sunday 14th September in Croke Park. This year is unique as they are celebrating 110 years of Camogie.The games are as follows:12. 00 p.m. Laois v Down All Ireland Premier Junior...
Welcome back!Here are the fixtures for the coming school year 2014-2015. Fixtures List 2014-2015Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 17th September (Division 1) - Day 118th September (Division 2) – Day...
It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone and the summer has arrived. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers involved in organising and running our various competitions and helping to promote our National...
The Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps are a great way for children aged 6-13 to learn GAA skills in a fun, child friendly environment and may even make them a GAA star of the future! The 5 day camps will run during July and August with over 1000 camps...
The Hurling Allianz County finals took place in Ballinakill during this week. Taking part were St. Kevin’s, Talbotstown, Aughrim, St. Cronan’s and Rathdrum BNS. There were fine skills on show from all schools and well done on...
Interpretation of Playing Rules of Hurling Rules 2.2 Exceptions (i) and (ii), 2.3, 2.5, 4.16(b) (1) The terms “taken” or “retaken” in Rules 2.2 Exceptions (i) and (ii) and 2.3 shall mean the ball being “struck”. (2) A...
Hurling County finals will take place in Ballinakill – Week of 16th JuneBest of luck to all teams who are participating!
Final Camogie blitz will take place on Wednesday 11th June in Ballinakill. Please contact Garrett Doyle on 083 4357460 if interested. Best of luck to all involved!
Super Sports Day The annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 4th June. An excellent day was had by all and thankfully it stayed dry for the duration...
Well done to all the girls who participated in the girls county finals. Division 1 Winners - BaltinglassDivision 2 Winners - DunlavinDivision 3 Winners - St. Fergal's BrayA high level of skill was on show, no doubt a lot of those girls will...
This year’s sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 4th June at 10 a.m. sharp. Please all schools be in place in time for the parade.Sports Day Rules**EACH SCHOOL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE...
Summer Camogie Camp for girls aged 9-12yrs - 1st - 3rd July - 11 am – 2 pm in Ballinakill Centre of Excellence, €30 Camp will include Fun camogie training & games and all participants will receive a t shirt Player Lifestyle & Performance...
Sports Day Meeting and Online RegistrationThe entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 29th May at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 29th May at 8 p.m.This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due to the large number of schools taking part...
Girls’ Allianz Football LeagueThis will take place on the 6th May at 11 in Roundwood. This is a 9 a-side blitz and teams will have been put into divisions on Wicklow Times Shield Day. However if you didn’t attend that day you are still...
The top 2 pupils in each code were invited to compete in the County Primary Schools Skill Tests on Wednesday 9th April in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill, Rathdrum Co Wicklow.The participants were as follows Boys Football...
Blessington No 1 school claimed the All County Division 2 Allianz Cumann na mBunscol title for the first time after a series of very exciting matches played in summer like conditions in the new Centre of Excellence in Ballinakill. On their...
The best teams in the county come together for the Allianz boys division 3 football finals in the new Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence in Ballinakill. There were superb skills on show and every team gave their all. There were teams from...
The top 2 pupils in each code are invited to compete in the County Primary Schools Skill Tests scheduled for Wednesday 9th April at 11.00 in Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill, Rathdrum Co Wicklow. The top performing pupils in the...
This week saw the best teams in the county come together for the Allianz boys football finals in the new Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence in Ballinakill. There were superb skills on show and every team gave their all. There were teams...
A hurling coaching conference will be held on Saturday the 5th of April in Ballinakill, the new Wicklow GAA Centre of excellence. The conference will cover child and youth aspects of coaching. If interested contact Leighton Glynn on 0833645136.
Regional skills challenges will take place on Wednesday 2nd April. The football skills include soloing with left/right foot, fist passing with left/right hand and the hook kick with left/right foot. The hurling/camogie skills include...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
A number of Camogie Development Initiatives are currently being put in place for the 2014 season to help Clubs/ Schools help their players build on their skills.The first of these is a series of 3 Workshops as follows: ...
There was a great turn out for the annual Girls Fun Skill Development Blitz that took place in two venues for all the schools in West Wicklow last week. Baltinglass, Dunlavin, Hacketstown, Donard, Valleymount, Kilbride, Gaelscoil na Lochanna,...
Boys’ Allianz Football League Days 5th March Venue: Bray Emmets (Day 1) 12th March...
Indoor football tournament for boys in rang a trí agus rang a ceathair. The emphasis in this competition is on participation and sport for all, 7 a-side. There are 5 venues and a co-ordinator for each venue. Schools have been...
Welcome back to another school term! We’ve a busy schedule as usual filled with gaelic games for 2014. 3rd / 4th Class Indoor Indoor football tournament for boys in rang a trí agus rang a ceathair (The...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin extends its deepest sympathies to family,friends and school community of the late Gemma O'Hanlon, Principal Donard National School. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this difficult time. Ar dheis Dé...
The Conference will take place in Croke Park, on Friday and Saturday, January 10th and 11th. This years Conference theme will focus on providing delegates with an indepth perspective on ‘Inspiring Children: Fostering a Love of Gaelic Games’....
The Gaelic Football Rule Changes which become operative on 1 January 2014 are as follows:1. Introduction of a Black Card for Cynical Behaviour Fouls. 2. Change in the number of substitutes allowed. 3. Distinction between Deliberate and Accidental...
Aughrim Community Hall hosted the Indoor Allianz Camogie Finals on Thursday the 6th of December. Four teams qualified from around Wicklow for the A Finals: Bearna Chlé, Kilcoole, Aughrim and Dunlavin Primary Schools. There was an...
The annual Allianz tráth na gCeist was held on Thursday 21st November in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh. There was a much better turnout than previous years with fifteen teams in total taking part. Schools that were represented were...
The annual Cornmarket National Cumann na mBunscol awards banquet took place in Croke Park on November 16th. Wicklow was nominated in two categories. Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin was nominated in the Public Relations category and...
There is a Dual Foundation Award Gaelic Football and Hurling course in Eire Og Greystones GAA club on Saturday 30th November and Saturday 7th December. Please contact garrett.doyle.gda.wicklow@gaa.ie to book a place on this course....
Baltinglass National School Girls retained the West Wicklow Times Shield in great fashion in a very exciting blitz held in Hollywood Gaa Grounds. Hollywood N.S, Valleymount N.S, Baltinglass N.S, Lacken N.S, Kilbride N.S, Gaelscoil na Lochanna,...
The football course will take place in An Tochar GAA grounds, Roundwood. The hurling course will take place in Aughrim Community Grounds. The courses will take place on Saturday 16th, 23rd and 30th November. To be involved in this Award...
Wicklow have two nominations for the annual Cornmarket National Cumann na mBunscol awards. Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáin has been nominated in the Public Relations category and Kilcoole Primary School has been nominated in the...
The annual tráth na gCeist will be held on Thursday 21st November at 7.30 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. Schools can enter a team by emailing Sean Stakelum Seanstakelum1@hotmail.com or by texting him at 0863242599. There is no entry fee but...
Events in NovemberAllianz Coughlan Competition ...
Dunlavin National School won the West Wicklow Coughlan Cup last week after a serious of great matches played in Blessington. Baltinglass N.S, Hacketstown N.S, Lacken N.S, Valleymount N.S, Blessington No 1 N.S, Blessington Educate Together N.S,...
The closing date for entries has been extended by a week until 24th October. Schools that enter the School of the Year category win a County jersey and a chance to win All Ireland tickets. The Awards night is...
The Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol AGM took place on Thursday the 3rd October in Lynhams Hotel, Laragh. The meeting began with a welcome from the Chairman, Jim O’Riordán to all attending – including Peter Keogh, Hugh Kenny and...
Over 100 children attended the recent 1st/2nd class football blitz that took place in Dunlavin Gaa grounds in glorious sunshine last week. Teams from Dunlavin National School, Donard N.S, Knockananna N.S, Tynock N.S and Hacketstown N.S took part in...
Over 150 children attended the recent 1st/2nd class football blitz that took place in Blessington Gaa grounds in glorious sunshine last week. Teams from St Marys Junior National School, Lacken N.S, Kilbride N.S, Valleymount N.S and Gaelscoil na...
The Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol AGM will take place on Thursday the 3rd October in Lynhams Hotel, Laragh at 5.00 p.m. In light of the fact that many schools were represented at the recent Garden County Flag presentations we...
National AwardsThe Cumann na mBunscol Cornmarket Annual Awards will take place in Croke Park on November 16th, 2013. All entries must pertain to the School Year 2012-2013. Entries from Leinster should be sent to Noeleen Rooney, Dublin...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 18th September (Division 1) - Day 119th September (Division 2) – Day 125th September (Division 1) – Day 226th September (Division 2) – Day 2at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
Welcome back!Here are the fixtures for the coming school year 2013-2014. Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 18th September (Division 1) - Day 119th September (Division 2) – Day 125th September (...
On Sunday 11th August three lucky Wicklow girls represented their county in Croke Park at half time during the thrilling All-Ireland Hurling Semi-Final Dublin v. Cork. The girls were Amy Maher (Naomh Bríd, Knockananna), Aoife Weir (Glenealy NS...
To see pictures from the finals day please click on linkhttps://picasaweb.google.com/107049175256667565075/HurlingFinals
It’s hard to believe another school year has come and gone and the summer has arrived. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers involved in organising and running our various competitions and helping to promote our National...
The division 3 boys final took place in Roundwood on Thursday last as Aughrim was unavailable due to Wicklow's game against Meath on Saturday. Roundwood, Donard, Moneystown and Gaelscoil Blessington did battle for the coveted title of county...
The last meeting of Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin will take place in the Wilford Court in Bray on Thursday 20th June at 4 o'clock. All are welcome! It would be lovely to see some new faces there!
Valleymount N.S took the honours in the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Boys Football Division 2 with a vital win in their last game played in the county grounds in Aughrim. Tinahely, Newtown, Knockananna, Avoca and Valleymount National schools all...
St Cronans N.S won the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Boys Football Division 1 in great style winning all their games played in the County grounds in Aughrim this week. St Cronans, Crossbridge, Baltinglass, Aughrim and Blessington National Schools all...
A great evening was had last Monday in Lynhams of Laragh where schools from around the county gathered for the presentation of the garden county flags. There were fifty one schools in the county that met the criteria of the garden county GAA...
Super Sports DayThe annual Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin Sports Day took place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June. An excellent day was had by all and the fantastic weather really made it. The...
Dunlavin N.S took the honours in the West Wicklow Credit Union Blitz that took place in Baltinglass last Tuesday. 5 teams took part on the day and after some very close matches Dunlavin N.S topped the table from Baltinglass N.S in second and...
Just a few reminders regarding the forthcoming sports day in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June:Parade begins at 10 a.m. sharp with races commencing immediately afterwardsRunning shoes must be worn for all track...
These county finals will take place on the week beginning 10th June in Aughrim
The Garden GAA flag presentation will now take place on Monday June 10th at 5o'clock in Lynhams in Laragh. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN DATE
Well done to the boys and girls who represented their schools and county so well in Aughrim on Sunday at half time. The schools that were represented were St. Cronan’s, Valleymount NS, Gaelscoil an Inbhir Mhóir/Kilcoole Primary School and...
This year’s sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and Recreation Park, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June at 10 a.m. sharp.The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 30th...
Over 500 children took part in a Fun Go Game Urban Blitz that took place in Blessington last week. Children from Gaelscoil na Lochanna, Blessington No 1,Blessington Educate Together and St Marys National schools had classes from their schools attend...
Baltinglass N.S took the Division 3 title in great style after a exciting play-off game with Blessington N.S in Blessington GAA Grounds last week. Hollywood N.S, Blessington N.S, Dunlavin N.S and Baltinglass N.S took part on the day and there was...
Valleymount N.S took the honours in the Division 2 West Finals that took place in Blessington GAA grounds. Valleymount N.S, Kilbride N.S, Blessington No 1 N.S, Talbotstown N.S and Knockananna N.S all took part on the day and some excellent...
Baltinglass N.S took the honours in the Division 1 Final in the West played in glorious sunshine in Blessington GAA Grounds. Blessington N.S, Hollywood N.S, Dunlavin N.S and Baltinglass N.S school took part on the day and the standard of play on the...
The entry fee of €50 must be returned at a meeting which will take place in Newtownmountkennedy Primary School on 30th May at 8 p.m. This meeting will deal with the organisation of the sports. Due to the large number of schools taking...
Sports Day This year’s sports day will take place in Charlesland Sport and RecreationPark, Greystones on Wednesday 5th June at 10 a.m. sharp.Events in Sports DayTrackUnder 8 50mUnder 8 80mUnder 9 50mUnder 9 80mUnder 10 ...
The Allianz Tráth na gCeist took place on Thursday 2nd May in the Brockagh Centre, Laragh. The schools that took part were St.Fergals Bray, Kilcoole, Rathdrum, Rathcoyle, Kilmacanogue, Moneystown, Talbotstown, Grangecon, St.Cronans Bray and...
The Allianz Tráth na gCeist is on this Thursday 2nd May at 7.30 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. Schools are asked to bring spot prizes on the night with a GAA theme if possible. A great night is always had by all so get learning those...
Over 120 girls took part the West Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Girls 9 A Side Blitz last Friday in Dunlavin Gaa Grounds. Teams from Donard N.S, Dunlavin N.S, Baltinglass N.S, Lacken N.S, Stratford N.S, Grangecon N.S, Knockananna N.S,...
Pupils from all parts of the county took part in the County finals of the INTO Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Skills competition in a rain soaked and windy Aughrim on Wednesday last. Despite the adverse weather conditions the standard was very high and...
Allianz Tráth na gCeist Due to unforeseen events the Allianz Tráth na gCeist has been moved to Thursday 2nd May at 7.30 p.m. in Brockagh Centre, Laragh. Schools are asked to bring spot prizes on the night with a GAA...
Over 110 children from 1st/2nd classes attended a 9 A Side Football Blitz in Stratford/Grangecon Gaa grounds last week. The schools in attendance were Tynock N.S, Talbotstown N.S, Donard N.S, Hacketstown N.S , Knockananna N.S and Stratford N.S...
Congratulations to all the winners who are representing their region in the County Finals in Aughrim on the 17th April at 11.00amHurlingLuke Dorgan St Kevins NSMichael Timmins St CronansJoe MacDonald Newtown NSJack Manley Avondale NSJack...
West Wicklow INTO Skills Challenge DayBelow are the results of the West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol Skills Finals. A big thanks to all 75 players who attended on the day and to parents, teachers and CE coaches who helped on the day. It was great to...
Events in AprilINTO Skills Challenge Regionals April 10th at 11 a.m.North schools - Bray Emmets GAA grounds - Garrett Doyle (083 4357460)West schools - Hollywood GAA grounds - Paul Garrigan (083 4366801)April 11th at 11.a.m....
INTO Skills Challenge The dates and venues for the Skills competition (formerly known as the INTO mini 7s) have been finalised. Due to the large number of schools now wishing to take part, the competition will be spread over...
The Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Skills Competition (INTO mini 7's) will take place on the 10th and 11th April in different centres around the county. It would be important to organise this in your own school this coming week as there will be very...
11 schools took part in the recent West Wicklow Indoor Football Blitz that ran over 3 days in the West of the county.The Blitz was ran in St Kevins Dunlavin and Hacketstown Hall for boysfrom 3rd/4th classes. The emphasis of the blitz was full...
Allianz on the wearing of gumshields in Primary SchoolsThe rule change of wearing a gumshield in all under age games to minor level now affects the insurance cover of school children who play gaelic football as a school activity...
West Wicklow Cumann na mBunscol Fixtures 2013/2014Boys Football 9 A-Side Blitz EventsGroup 1 Blessington, Baltinglass, Hollywood, DunlavinVenue BLESSINGTON-- April 26th and May...
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
The West Wicklow Indoor Football Fun Blitz for 3rd/4th Class boys will take place this Friday 22nd February at 11.00am. Teams are 9 A Side and players must be boys in 3rd or 4th classes. If a school has some players in 2nd class...
Foundation Award – Hurling and FootballTo be involved in this Foundation Award places will be filled on a ‘first come/first serve’ basis with places limited to 24 coaches and therefore it is vital to pre register by contacting the relevant G.D...
All information for earning this flag was sent out to primary schools at the beginning of the school year. This is a reminder of the target areas.1. Take part in minimum 2 blocks of 9 weeks Coaching sessions...
It was agreed at a meeting of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáín that similar events should be held simultaneously in the North, South and West of the county if at all possible to ensure maximum participation by all. 3rd / 4th Class...
Fancy getting involved in something new for the new year? How about promoting Gaelic games in your school? The next Allianz Cumann na mBunscol meeting is on Thursday 17th January at 4 p.m. in the Wilton Hotel, Bray. All welcome!
Blessington No 1 School claimed the Allianz Coughlan Cup in the West after some great matches played on the Astro Turf in Blessington GAA grounds last week. After a series of matches Blessington topped the group from Lacken N.S...
Crossbridge National School in Tinahely have become All County Indoor hurling champions after winning the final played in Aughrim Community grounds. This has been a fantastic year for this very small school in Tinahely having already captured...
The GAA have recently launched an on-line version of Our Games - Our Code, the joint Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport. This Code has been agreed between the GAA, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association, the Camogie Association, GAA Handball...
Mouthguards and the GAA Information for Clubs, Players and Parents BACKGROUNDFollowing the GAA’s Annual Congress in April 2012 a new rule was enacted that made it mandatory to use a mouthguard in all Gaelic football matches and training...
Day two of the Allianz Coughlan cup was held on the 7th November in Bray Emmets GAA grounds. There was a fantastic turnout and a great display of skills by all involved. Division 1 and the Allianz Coughlan Cup was won by St. Cronan’s A...
There will be a Wicklow GAA Coaching Workshop on Field Based Conditioning for Hurling and Football on Saturday 24th November in Blessington GAA. It’s on from 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The workshop will be presented by Robbie Bourke. ...
The West Wicklow Allianz Autumn Hurling League started last week with two days of excellent hurling on show in Blessington and Stratford. The aim of these Hurling Leagues is to provide schools and players with a series of games to...
Baltinglass National School won the the first West West Wicklow Times Girls Shield in Hollywood after a wonderful day of girls football played in misty conditions. A total of 8 teams took part in the blitz with some excellent teamwork and skill...
1st/2nd class blitz was held in Donard on October 5th.Scoil Nioclais Naofa ,Dunlavin and Donard NS took part and we were glad to have the blow up pitch courtesy of Paul Garrigan, Development coach, who managed to borrow the pitch from GAA...
In November there will be an Indoor Basketball Blitz – dates and venue are yet to be decided. Schools will be sent a text as a reminder prior to the event. Schools can bring more than one teams to blitz events.
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol in association with Cornmarket Financial Services Ltd. are inviting entries for the annual national awards. All entries must pertain to the school year 2011-2012. The categories are as follows - Pat Trainor...
On Friday 14th October there is an 11 a-side boys football blitz being held. Large schools will be in Dunlavin, contact Tommy Brennan on 045 401495 and Small schools will be in Stratford, contact Mary O’Keefe on 087 6305574.
May 18th- GAA Skills Day – Venue: Hollywood GAA grounds May 25th – Girls Football BlitzStratford – Small schools – Contact Mary O’Keefe – 087 6305574Hollywood – Large schools – Contact John Behan – 087 2932848 May 30th – Hurling Blitz...
Boys Senior LeagueGroup A Group BA Baltinglass A BlessintonB Talbotstown B Manor...
A Cumann na mBunscol cross-country event was held in Valleymount N.S. Twenty primary schools took part. Here are the team and individual results for both large and small schools categoriesIndividual Results-Large Schools.Under 8 Girls...
Dates and Venue to be decidedSchools will be sent a text as a reminder prior to events. The numbers playing on each team at a blitz is flexible and the numbers given are only a guide.Schools can bring more than one team to blitz events.
A Cumann na mBunscol cross-country event was held in Valleymount N.S. Twenty primary schools took part. Here are the team and individual results for both large and small schools categories Individual Results-Large Schools....