Courses will commence on Saturday 25th October 2014 in Ballinakill.
Dates for Day 2 and 3 has been organised and spaced out to suit those who may want to attend over a period of time.
DAY 1: Saturday 25th October in Ballinakill 11am - 4.30pm
DAY 2: Saturday 8th November in Ballinakill 9.30am – 3.30pm
DAY 3: Saturday 29th November in Ballinakill 9am – 4.30pm
All participants must come prepared for theory and practical sessions. The course fee is €75 per coach and must be paid before or on the Saturday of the start of the course. Cheques to be made payable to Wicklow GAA. There is a limit of 24 places available on each course and places are available on a first come first serve basis if booked before 18th October 2014. All participants are asked to bring a packed lunch. Tea & Coffee facilities will be available.
PLEASE NOTE: The Hurling & Football Courses will be run at the same time in Ballinakill so you can’t do both courses. These are two separate courses with 24 participants on each course.
Contact Hugh Kenny on 087-271853/ if interested.