Hurling Information
There will be a mixed hurling blitz for 5th and 6th class in Blessington on the 14th March. Please register your interest using the form below.
Please fill out the form below to register your interest in your school participating in the 1st and 2nd class boys indoor hurling blitz planned for 6th February 2025 in Aughrim. This will be a 7 aside blitz. Small schools may decide to group...
The boys' hurling participation blitz for 3rd & 4th will take place on Tuesday 21st January at 10.30am in Bray Emmets GAA Club. This was down in the calendar as an indoor blitz but owing to logistics and...
The energy and enthusiasm were palpable as over 250 1st and 2nd class children partook in a feast of hurling across two venues: Bray Emmets and Greystones Community National School. The hurling gods were smiling down on us, as the sun kissed...
Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin held a Young Whistlers referee course for Hurling and Camogie in the North East of the county on Wednesday November 6th in Kilcoole Primary School. The participants were made up of mature, responsible 5th and 6th...
When: Wednesday, 13th November. 10:30am – 12:30amWe are looking at the possibility of 3 different venues most likely Roundwood, Greystones and Bray. As it is indoor we may have to limit the number of teams. If your school has big numbers, you may...
Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin will hold a Young Whistlers Hurling/Camogie course on Wednesday November 6th in Kilcoole Primary School (Senior building in St. Anthony’s Hall) from 3.30 – 4:45 p.m.This course is primarily aimed at schools who...
Please fill out the form below to register your interest in your school participating in the 3rd and 4th class boys Indoor Hurling Blitz planned for 17th October in Aughrim. This will be a 7 a-side blitz. Smaller schools will be allowed to use 2nd...
The boys' hurling participation blitz for 5th & 6th will take place on Thursday 10th October at 10.30am in Bray Emmets GAA Club. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be adjusted depending on the numbers...
There was a great day held promoting hurling for 3rd and 4th Class children on Friday 20th September in Blessington. It was a mixed boys’ and girls’ blitz with the focus on participation and practising skills. Schools that took part included:...
Over 130 hurlers from across the county descended upon the Wicklow Centre of Excellence in Ballinakill for the annual Credit Union Cup.Carnew N.S, St. Cronan’s N.S, St. Patrick’s N.S (Wicklow Town), St Patrick’s N.S (Bearna Chlé) and Scoil Chualann...
The 2024 Boys' Hurling Credit Union Cup for 5th and 6th Class will take place on Wednesday 15th May at 10:30am in the Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be...
Indoor Hurling Blitz for 3rd and 4th will take place on Thursday, 18th of January.Indoor Camogie Blitz for 3rd and 4th will take place on Thursday, 25th of January.Boys’ Football Allianz Coughlan Cup Day 1Thursday 29th February ...
Please see below details for the Boys Indoor Blitz for 3rd and 4th Class.Date and time*: Thursday, 18th January. 10:30am – 12:30am *Times may be staggered on the day depending on how many teams are entered. Where: Venue 1: Coláiste Ráithín – Bray...
Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin will hold our annual 'Young Whistlers' (Hurling) course in the week straight after mid-term (see details below). Please fill out the following google form link to apply. Entries should be in no later than Wednesday...
Please fill out the form below to register your interest in your school participating in the boys hurling blitz planned for 19th October 2023 in Aughrim. This will be a 7 aside blitz with unlimited subs. Smaller schools will be allowed to use 4th...
The boys' hurling participation blitz for 5th & 6th will take place on Thursday 12th October at 10.30am in Bray Emmets GAA Club. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be adjusted depending on the numbers...
Ballinakill was blessed with great weather along with a feast of hurling on the 18th May, as over 170 hurlers descended on the Wicklow Centre of Excellence. 13 teams competed across 3 divisions with all games played with a great level of skill,...
The Boys' Hurling Credit Union Cup for 5th and 6th class will take place on Thursday 18th May at 11.45 a.m. in the Centre of Excellence, Ballinakill. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be adjusted depending on...
Credit Union Cup (Hurling) 18th May at 11.45 a.m. (Venue to be confirmed). One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz. Competitive based games.Allianz Camogie Day ...
Credit Union Cup (Hurling) 18th May at 11.45 a.m. (Venue to be confirmed). One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz. Competitive based games.Allianz Camogie Day ...
Schools are being asked to register their interest for an indoor hurling/camogie blitz on Thursday, 23rd February. This will be for 1st and 2nd class boys and girls. Matches will be mixed i.e., boys and girls in teams but we will do our best to...
When: 26th JanuaryWhere: Roundwood Parish HallFor Who: 3rd and 4th class boys. If schools want to use girls to make up teams they can. Format: The hall will be split into two small pitches and matches will be...
There will be 3rd and 4th class boys indoor hurling blitz on Thursday 19th January in Aughrim. Please register your teams using the following link by 3pm on Friday.
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin will hold a Young Whistler (Hurling/Camogie) course on Thursday 19th January in Kilcoole Primary School (St. Anthony’s building) from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. approx. Places are limited so please let Rúnaí...
West Wicklow9 a-side Hurling Blitz Coming Up in Kiltegan18th November – 9 a-side Hurling Blitz - KilteganContact West Wicklow Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Representative Michael Moran, Scoil Nioclais Naofa, Dunlavin on 045-401495 if interested in...
The Boys' Allianz Hurling Participation Blitz for 5th & 6th will take place on Thursday 13th October in both Bray Emmets (North/East Wicklow) and Aughrim (South Wicklow). North/East:Date: ...
A boys hurling participation blitz for 5th & 6th class will take place on Thursday 19th May at 11.45am in Bray Emmets GAA Club. Matches will be 9 a-side but can be adjusted depending on the numbers of both teams. ...
Date: Thursday 19th MayTime: Time to be confirmedLocation: BallinakillMatches will be 7 a-sideContact Padraig Murphy (0873481540) if interested
The boys and girls of 2nd and 3rd classes in Kilcoole Primary School and St. Laurence’s Primary School had a fantastic afternoon of indoor hurling and camogie on Thursday the 13th February. Both schools participated in the 7-a-side indoor...
2nd and 3rd class boys and girls had a brilliant time on Thursday 6th February at the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol indoor hurling and camogie blitz which took place in Shoreline, Greystones. Children from St Patricks, Wicklow town; St Cronan’s, Bray...
The Indoor Hurling and Camogie Blitzes are scheduled for February in Shoreline, Greystones. This is a 7-a-side blitz for 2nd and 3rd class. Please let Ciara or Éamonn (Oifigeach Iománíochta agus Camógaíocht) know on...
Our first Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow activity is our Hurling/Camogie 'Young Whistlers' course on Thursday 16th January 3.30-4.45 p.m. in St. Anthony’s Hall, Senior Building, Kilcoole Primary...
The Indoor Hurling and Camogie Blitzes are scheduled for this month in Shoreline Greystones. This is a 7-a-side blitz for 3rd and 4th class. Please let Garrett Doyle know ASAP on which day you would...
The opening hurling fixture of the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantain calendar takes place on Thursday, 10th October, in Bray Emmets GAA Club at 11:45am. The blitz is non-competitive and aimed at boys in 5th and 6th class. Schools are...
On Thursday 13th June Wicklow were represented by Kilcoole Primary School at a Lift and Strike tournament in Èire Óg GAA Club, Carlow. After a re-shuffle of the groups (due to some teams unable to attend), the Wicklow boys played the...
Due to inclement weather, the original fixture for the Credit Union Cup was postponed and re-fixed. 8 teams took part in the blitz; St Pats 1 & 2, St Cronans, Scoil Chualann, Gaelscoil Uí Chéadaigh, Kilcoole PS, Newtownmountkennedy PS and...
Unfortunately due to the weather conditions last Wednesday, the Credit Union Cup had to be cancelled. It is hope to re-schedule this fixture as soon as possible.
The final hurling blitz of the year is upon us - The Credit Union Cup. It is a 9-aside Boys blitz and full rules apply. Schools may bring more than one team if they wish. It will take place in Ballinakill on Wednesday 8th May. Registration...
Credit Union Cup 8th May at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz. Competitive blitzAllianz Camogie Blitz 15th May at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill...
Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Chill Mhantáin held their first ever ‘Young Whistlers’ refereeing course for hurling/camogie on Thursday 7th February in St. Brigid’s hall, Kilcoole Primary School. Nine enthusiastic 5th class boys and girls from...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie will take place on 16th, 23rd and 30th November in Shoreline, Greystones. Your school will be contacted by Garrett Doyle, GDA with regard to the day your school will be invited to attend. If interested you can...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 12th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 15th November at 7.30 p....
Unfortunately, the Allianz boys hurling blitz due to take place next Wednesday, 26th September, has been cancelled to accommodate the rescheduling of the Camogie Blitz. We are hoping to re-arrange it for another date in...
26th September - Day 2 at 11.45 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit. Full rules.
The Boys' Hurling League Day One will take place next Wednesday in Bray Emmets GAA Club. It is a 9-a side blitz with no age limit. We are looking forward to seeing many you on the day with good weather hopefully!Competition: Allianz Boys'...
Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 12th September - Day 1 at 11.45 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit. Points only no...
Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 12th September - Day 1 at 11.45 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit. Points only no...
The final hurling blitz of the year will now take place on Thursday 3rd of May in Ballinakill. Registration is at 10:45am, with games starting at 11am. It is a 9- aside blitz with no age limit. Looking forward to seeing you all on the day and...
The final hurling blitz of the year (Credit Union Cup) was scheduled for this Friday, April 20th. However, due to the Skills Competition Finals taking place on Thursday and the County Football Féile starting on Friday, a decision has been taken to...
Friday 20th April at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling.)Please note if a child has already played in Croke Park they cannot take...
Credit Union Cup Friday 20th April at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitzAllianz Camogie Blitz Friday 27th April at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill – One...
There was successful indoor hurling blitzes this week. In Shoreline in Greystones St. Laurence’s had three teams, Kilcoole and Newtown had one. There were some fantastic skills on show and everyone had a great day. There will be...
Week of 13th and 20th November in regional centres (Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending)
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 13th November in regional centres (Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 20th November in regional centres (...
Unfortunately Day 2 of the Boys’ Allianz Hurling League had to be called off last Wednesday due to the bad weather. We hope to re-schedule this at a later date.
Day 2 of the Boys' Allianz Hurling League will take place next week on Wednesday 27th of September.The focus of the day is participation and giving as many children as possible the experience of playing hurling,...
The Boys' Allianz Hurling League will be played over two days.The focus of both days is on participation and giving as many children as possible the experience of playing hurling, regardless of experience.There is no age limit on the...
Welcome back to the start of another school year. Let’s hope it’s a happy, healthy and successful one. North East Fixtures List 2017-2018Term One – Focus on participation and no competitionBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 ...
Next week's "Credit Union Cup" Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Hurling Competition will now take place in Bray Emmets GAA Club.It will not take place in Ballinakill, as previously said. A decision has been made to change venue,...
Credit Union Cup 3rd May at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz Allianz Camogie Blitz 10th May at 11.45 a.m. in Ballinakill – One day girls’ nine-a-side...
This course is being run in the County over the next few weeks. If you would like to do this course please follow the instructions below and complete the online material. On completing the online material Wicklow Coaching & Games will...
There will be a 5th/6th Class Hurling blitz next Wednesday 25th in Ballinakill COE at 11am. The day will be finished by 12:30. Schools may enter as many teams as they wish provided the kids are in either 5th and/or 6th class....
There will be 5th/6th class primary schools blitz' as follows for 2017. All blitz' are for both boys and girls, 11 aside.ALL BLITZ’ 11am - 12:3025th January - Ballinakill COE15th March - Ballinakill COE26th April -...
Indoor Hurling and Camogie continues through the weeks of Nov 21st, Nov 28th and December 5th. Your school will have been contacted regarding which day you will be attending but if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Garrett Doyle...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 14th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 14th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m...
Indoor Hurling/Camogie 3rd and 4th ClassWeek of 14th November in regional centres(Your school will be contacted regarding which day you will be attending) Allianz Tráth na gCeist Thursday 17th November at 7.30 p.m...
Day 2 of the Allianz Boys Hurling League will take place next week.Date: Wednesday 28th SeptemberLocation: Bray Emmets GAA ClubTime: ...
First on the list of Cumann na mBunscol activities is the Boys' Allianz Hurling League, which will be played over two days. The focus of both days is on participation and giving as many children as possible the experience...
Cumann na mBunscol Wicklow will travel to Nowlan Park, Kilkenny to participate in an Exhibition Day on Thursday June 16th. It will consist of a coaching session, exhibition match against a Kilkenny...
Credit Union Cup 11th May at 11.00 a.m. in Ballinakill – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitzAllianz Camogie Blitz 18th May at 11.00 a.m. in Ballinakill (Time to be confirmed) – One day...
Boys football 5th and 6th class - April 13th (Wednesday) 11.00am Ballinakill Girls football 5th and 6th class - April 15th (Friday) 11.00am Ballinakill Boys hurling 5th and 6th class - April 20th (Wednesday) 11.00am...
Indoor hurling and camogie for 5th and 6th class dates below and confirm your schools participation with Leighton Glynn before Wednesday Boys Thursday 19th 11.00am Aughrim Community grounds Girls Friday 20th 11.00am Aughrim Community...
Hurling: Week of 16th November in regional centres. Camogie: Week of 23rd November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in DecemberYoung WhistlersAs part of a new initiative, Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin have decided...
Hurling: Week of 16th November in regional centres. Camogie: Week of 23rd November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in December
All outdoor blitzes will be played at the Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence in Ballinakill Rathdrum. Girls Football Day 1 - Friday 9th Oct 11.30am Boys Football Day 1 - Thursday 15th Oct 11.00am Girls Football Day 2 - Thursday 22nd Oct 11....
Day 2 of the Allianz Boys' Hurling League takes place in Bray on September 30th at 12pm. Following on from the results from Day 1, we will have a Division 1 and Division 2 league on the day. Please confirm attendance by email or...
16th September - Day 1 at 12.00 p.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit
Boys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 16th September - Day 1at 12.00 p.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limitAllianz Camogie League Day 23rd September at 12.00...
Fixtures List 2015-2016Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 16th September - Day 1at 12.00 p.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit Allianz Camogie League Day...
Credit Union Cup 29th April at 1.00 p.m. in Bray – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz
INTO Skills Challenge (Two pupils per school may participate in each discipline - Boys’ and Girls’ Football, Camogie and Hurling) ...
A new initiative was launched by Allianz Cumann na mBunscol Cill Mhantáin in conjunction with the County GDA coaches whereby €5000 was spent on 90 hurleys and 90 helmets with the aim of promoting and developing hurling and camogie in the county. It...
Indoor HurlingWeek of 17th November in regional centres. Finals week to follow in December Allianz Tráth na gCeist The annual Allianz Tráth na gCeist will take place on Thursday 20th November at 7.30 p.m. in Lynhams, Laragh. Please note...
Wicklow Times Shield Day 25th November (Day 2 - teams graded in divisions based on Day 1 for another blitz day with winners awarded in each division. These divisions will determine girls leagues later in the year)at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds –...
Boys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 2 1st October - Day 2 at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limitDay One Photos
1st October - Day 2 at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit
Boys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 17th September (Division 1) - Day 118th September (Division 2) – Day 1at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limitAllianz Camogie League Day ...
Hurling coaching workshop for young players with MARTIN FOGARTY – Kilkenny GAAin Wicklow GAA Centre of Excellence Thurs 11th Sept@7 €5 pay on night to Leighton Glynn
Welcome back!Here are the fixtures for the coming school year 2014-2015. Fixtures List 2014-2015Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Day 1 17th September (Division 1) - Day 118th September (Division 2) – Day...
The Hurling Allianz County finals took place in Ballinakill during this week. Taking part were St. Kevin’s, Talbotstown, Aughrim, St. Cronan’s and Rathdrum BNS. There were fine skills on show from all schools and well done on...
Interpretation of Playing Rules of Hurling Rules 2.2 Exceptions (i) and (ii), 2.3, 2.5, 4.16(b) (1) The terms “taken” or “retaken” in Rules 2.2 Exceptions (i) and (ii) and 2.3 shall mean the ball being “struck”. (2) A...
Hurling County finals will take place in Ballinakill – Week of 16th JuneBest of luck to all teams who are participating!
The Credit Union Cup will take place next week on the 14th May at 11 o’clock in Bray – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz. Please contact Micheal O Murchu, St. Cronan's on 01 2860440 if interested.
Girls’ Allianz Football LeagueThis will take place on the 6th May at 11 in Roundwood. This is a 9 a-side blitz and teams will have been put into divisions on Wicklow Times Shield Day. However if you didn’t attend that day you are still...
A hurling coaching conference will be held on Saturday the 5th of April in Ballinakill, the new Wicklow GAA Centre of excellence. The conference will cover child and youth aspects of coaching. If interested contact Leighton Glynn on 0833645136.
Welcome back to another school term! We’ve a busy schedule as usual filled with gaelic games for 2014. 3rd / 4th Class Indoor Indoor football tournament for boys in rang a trí agus rang a ceathair (The...
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 18th September (Division 1) - Day 119th September (Division 2) – Day 125th September (Division 1) – Day 226th September (Division 2) – Day 2at 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
The Credit Union Cup takes place on Wednesday 22nd May at 11 o’clock in Bray Emmets. This is a 9 a-side hurling blitz. Please contact Micheal O Murchu, St. Cronan's on 01 2860440 if interested.
The Credit union cup has had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.It will now take place on Wednesday 22nd May at 11 in Bray Emmets.This is a 9 a-side blitz. Please contact Micheal O Murchu, St. Cronan's if interested.
Final Term EventsGirls’ Allianz Football Blitz 24th April at 11.00 Roundwood (change of venue) – 9 a-side – no age limit. Points only, no goal keeper. Contact Claire...
It was agreed at a meeting of Allianz Cumann na mBunscol, Cill Mhantáín that similar events should be held simultaneously in the North, South and West of the county if at all possible to ensure maximum participation by all. 3rd / 4th Class...
Indoor 7 a-side hurling blitz on November 27th at 12.00 p.m until 2.00 p.m. in Roundwood GAA hall. Contact Garrett Doyle if interested.
Indoor 7 a-side camogie blitz next Thursday Nov 22nd at 10.00 until 11.30 in Roundwood GAA hall.Indoor 7 a-side hurling blitz on Nov 27th at 12.00 until 2.00 in Roundwood GAA hall.Contact Garrett Doyle if interested
Boys’ Allianz Hurling League DaysFor the hurling this year we will have a blitz type competition run on a league format over two days. This competition is 9 a-side with no age limit. Therefore each team plays all the other teams in the...
The first tournament of the school year is hurling. Division 1 will be held on 19th and 26th September while Division 2 will be held on 20th and 27th September. The competitions will be held in Bray GAA grounds and will begin at 11 a.m....
Term OneBoys’ Allianz Hurling League Days 19ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) - Day 120ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 126ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) – Day 227ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 2ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA...
A Foundation Fooball course will take place in Aughrim National School on Monday 6th Feb and Wednesday 8th Feb at 7-30pm. A Foundation Hurling course will also take place in Aughrim National school on Monday 13th Feb and...
9ú Bealtaine ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray – One day boys’ nine-a-side hurling blitz
Boys’ Hurling League Days 14ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) - Day 1 15ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 1 21ú Meán Fómhair (Division 1) – Day 2 22ú Meán Fómhair (Division 2) – Day 2 ag tosú ar 11.00 a.m. in Bray GAA grounds. Nine-a-side and no age limit