Points of Interest from National General September Meeting
Rúnaí Brian Cornyn and PRO Pamela McDermott attended as the Wicklow delegates at the National Allianz Cumann na mBunscol General September Meeting in Jury’s Croke Park Hotel on Saturday 24th September. The room buzzed with enthusiasm as primary school teachers made plans for a full year of Cumann na mBunscol activity. Cumann na mBunscol’s aim is to make Gaelic games the games of choice for boys and girls in Ireland’s primary schools, and very often is the case that it is in the primary school that children get their first introduction to Gaelic games and subsequently go on to join their local club and possibly play for their county.
Some of the points to note included that:
A survey will be sent to each county which will be an audit of what is going on in counties to see what areas can be developed.
There is a drive to promote handball and rounders.
A new website has been launched https://www.cnmbnaisiunta.com/ which is well worth a look.
Each county and school have been asked to promote Allianz as the main sponsor of Cumann na mBunscol activities by tagging them on social media.
There were many successful events held last year such as Cumann na mBunscol Week which was a great success, as well as the lucky 240 children who got to play in Croke Park over four weekends as part of the INTO Mini 7s.
The Cornmarket Annual Awards and AGM will be held in Letterkenny on the 3rd and 4th March 2023. Categories include: Pat Trainor Hall of Fame Award, Allianz Public Relations Award, County Publication, Promotion of Gaelic Games and Culture, Cur chun cin an Chultúir Ghaeilge agus na gCluichí Gaelacha trí mheán na Gaeilge, and School of the Year. The closing date for entries will be on Wednesday 11th January 2023.
It is hoped that the Allianz Cumann na mBunscol 50th anniversary publication, which is a book celebrating 50 years of primary school Gaelic games across the country, should be available for the AGM.
For Annual Awards information: