Pella Boys Blitz a Great Success in West Wicklow
There was a great turnout of schools this week for the first ever Pella Boys Blitz to take place in Wicklow. Bigstone N.S, Grangecon N.S, Knockananna N.S, Donard N.S, Hacketstown N.S, Valleymount N.S and Stratford N.S all took part on the day. The children really enjoyed the new game and found it a great challenge. So what is Pella? Pella is an indoor version of Gaelic football, which can be played as a four or five a side game, in an indoor arena or on an all weather pitch. At the start/end of the game, each player on each team gets a kick at the scoring area to score for their team, this score worth 1 point and is added to team score at the end of match. The rules are as follows
1 point for a fisted score
1 point for a score kicked from inside the red arc
3 points for score kicked from outside the red arc but inside the attacking half of the court.
Solo and hop rule apply as in Gaelic football. It may be advisable, however, to limit this to 1 solo and 1 hop.
You cannot score from your own half.
If the ball hits the wall or any part of the roof the team who last played it lose possession and the opposition restarts.
Next week we will be running the Girls Pella Blitz in Scoil Chonglais with again 7 schools taking part.