Girls Allianz Football League on next Wednesday


The girls Allianz football blitz had to be cancelled due to the bad weather.  It will now take place on Wednesday March 25that 1p.m. in Bray Emmets.  Could all schools be there at 12.50pm sharp so that games can begin immediately.

The blitz is 9-a-side, no age limit, one hop, one solo, no goalkeeper, scoring is by points only - 2 points for a win, 1 point for a draw

Presentations to the winner and runner up in each group will take place.  Finals day where we link up with south and west Wicklow has been provisionally set for the week of the 20th of April.
Please let Claire Frawley know if you will be attending and with how many teams.
She can be contacted on 01-2876597.