Young Journalists – A Busy Summer


Well done to all those who represented the Garden County during the summer in Croke Park.  A few of these talented boys and girls are also budding journalists.  Have a read of their experience.  These are the bright stars of our future!


My report on Croke Park, Alex O’Brien, Young Whistler, Kilcoole

On the 21st of August I got an incredible opportunity to referee in Croke Park.

We were told to meet in a little hall just 5 minutes away from Croke Park. In the hall I got to meet the other young whistler. He was also from Wicklow. 30 minutes later our parents left us and then all the players and two whistlers went to get lunch.

After lunch the boys and girls were split up and went to get changed into our new gear. All the players got either a Mayo or Tipperary kit. But as for me I got a lovely black and white top that said Give respect get respect.  Then we were taken outside to the stadium where we got our photos taken.  After the photos were finished we got shown our seats for the Donegal vs Galway minor match.  After the minor match we got to meet up with our parents.  Later on the Mayo vs Tipperary match finally started. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited. Eventually half time came.  I got to lead both teams out onto the pitch. I felt so nervous. The whole stadium was staring at me. I shook hands with all the players and started the match. I had to blow the whistle a few times but overall it was such an amazing match. Afterwards my dad showed me all the amazing photos. It was an absolutely brilliant day. I would definitely recommend it to any future young whistler.


My Day in Croke Park, William Cash, Kilcoole

I won the county skills competition and tickets to go to Croke Park on August 14th. I got to play with the 32 best hurlers in Ireland. I was really nervous but when I got there I wasn’t. I met the GAA president and got to watch Tipperary and Galway in the minor and Tipperary and Galway in the senior. As always Tipperary won and now they are All-Ireland champions. I played at half time at the senior game and played really well. I really enjoyed it. Up TIPP! I don’t know but I might win the skills contest next year. I know I am really lucky and I would like to say a big thank you to Ms McDermott, Ms Fahy, Ms Whyte and to everyone in school.


Lá i bPáirc an Chrócaigh, Cathal Mac Maoláin, Réiteoir, Scoil Chualann

Is mise Cathal Mac Maoláin. Bhí mé ag réiteoireacht i bPáirc an Chrócaigh ag leath-ama le linn an tSamhradh ag an gcluiche (Maigh Eo i gcoinne Tiobrad Árann) leath ceannais craobh na hÉireann.

Rinne mé cúrsa réiteorachta le David Gough i Rang 5. Rinne mé réiteoireacht ag cluichí Cumann na mBunscoil do scoileanna cúpla uair tríd an bhliain. Rinne mé réiteoireacht i gclós na scoile le linn na bliana freisin.

Dúirt mo Phríomhoide liom, Iníon Uí Ghairbhín go raibh mé chun a bheith ag réiteoireacht i bPáirc an gChrócaigh. Bhí mé ar bís!!

An lá sin chuaigh mé féin, mo Dhaid, is mo Dhaideo go dtí Páirc an Chrócaigh. Chuaigh mé isteach go dtí seomra ina raibh na páistí a bhí ag imirt an cluiche agus an réiteoir eile. Bhí tae agus brioscaí ann. Tar éis é sin glacadh grianghraf ar an bpáirc. Fuaireamar béile ansin agus ina dhiadh d’fheachamar ar an gcluiche mionúr Gaillimh i gcoinne Dún na nGall.

Fuair me feisteas réiteora agus d’fhéachamar ar an gcéad leath den chluiche idir Tiobrad Árann agus Maigh Eo. Chuamar amach ar an bpáirc tar éis sin.

Rinne me an réiteoireacht agus bhí am iontach agam!

Bhí an t-ádh liom an seans aeo a bheith agam. Bhí sé go hiontach. Ní dhéanfaidh mé dearmad go deo ar an la sin i bpáirc an Chrócaigh!


