Camogie Coaches Workshop


There is a Camogie Coaches Workshop on Monday March 12th.  As part of a Camogie Player Retention Initiative, a Workshop for Coaches has been developed by The Camogie Association entitled - 'Communication and Building Rapport with Players' - aimed at Coaches involved in Camogie at all levels - from Under 8 to Adult, Club and County.  It looks at the importance of communication and building rapport with players with the aim of retaining them in Camogie. It aims to get Coaches thinking about what messages they send to their players and what style of communication they use.

Date: Monday March 12th
Venue: Centre of Excellence Ballinakill
Time: 7.30-9pm with Refreshments and Registration 7-7.30pm
Cost: There is NO COST
Please contact:
Breda Donnelly
Wicklow Camogie Development Officer  087-6998536