Allianz Camogie League Day, Take Two!
Hopefully the weather is better for us this time. The first camogie blitz of the year will now be on Wednesday 26th September. The focus of this blitz is on participation and giving as many girls as possible the experience of playing camogie, regardless of experience. These will be nine-a-side blitzes with no age limit so please feel free to send more than one team.
Competition: Allianz Camogie participation blitz
Date: Wednesday 26th September
Time: 11:45am - 1:30pm approximately
Location: Bray Emmets GAA Club
Rules: Non competitive 9 a side , No goalkeepers (Points only scored)
Please let Fiona Ní Shúilleabháin, Camogie Officer, know by text
(0863748903) or by email ( by Monday 24th September, if your school will be in attendance. Schools are welcome to bring more than one team; and please include classes for team, for example,
team 1 = 3rd class, team 2 = 3rd – 6th class, so that teams can be grouped accordingly.
Please be aware that teachers may be called upon to referee matches if needed. We’re looking forward to a great year of camogie and seeing the numbers
growing again for our blitzes J