
Best of luck to Roundwood at the All-Ireland Tráth na gCeist!

Roundwood Claim Top Spot at Well Attended Allianz Tráth na gCeist

Allianz Tráth na gCeist - 7th November

Allianz Tráth na gCeist Takes Place on 7th November

Allianz Tráth na gCeist on 9th November in Laragh

Craic agus Ceisteanna ag Allianz Tráth na gCeist

Allianz Tráth na gCeist is on the 10th November

Young Journalists Reporting on the Tráth na gCeist

Roundwood Claim 1st Place at the Allianz Tráth na gCeist

It's That Time of Year Again - Allianz Tráth na gCeist


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